Monday, May 26, 2014

My son the comedian

May 26/14

So Saturday I was grocery shopping with my son and we had one of those moments.....

As we wandered around the produce section and I literally asked him if he wanted something from each and every product available he turned to me and matter of factly asked me if it was my mission to annoy him the entire time we were in Loblaws. I smiled and replied in the affirmative whereupon he countered asking why, my response was it is the only comedy showing at the moment. He didn't find that too amusing but I knew this wasn't the end of things.

As we cruised the bakery section I was hit with a sudden craving for something sweet and noticed a small 5" cake in one of the display cases. I walked over and asked the baker if it was real frosting or that fake stuff they've gone to over the last few years, He assured it was real so I started to say I'd take it when I saw my son out of the corner of my eye shaking his head at me. I turned and asked him if he'd hold it against me and he replied in the best dead pan voice I've ever heard "I won't say anything about it" and a few seconds later added "Out loud to you but anyone else is fair game to hear this little tale"

The baker just stared at him and burst out laughing, almost dropping the cake in the process.

I smiled at him and said "Touche"

As I placec the cake box in the cart he leaned over and whispered to me "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips" and walked away laughing.

The baker smiled and asked me if it was always like this between us and I laughed and said pretty much and it was one of the best things about being his father.

I won't even mention the banter we shared when walking past the razors and hair care products lol