September 12/14
My musical recommendation for the day is All I Want by Susie Suh
So I received an interesting message the other day on the dating site I've been using and it made me think about the message I've been sending with the blog, well I guess it's more accurate to say with the blog when I was actually updating it more often than lately lol
On my profile I've got some interests outlined and they include among other things Science Fiction, Military History, Sons of Anarchy, The Walking Dead, and Nicholas Sparks. It was that last one that generated the message as they were wondering how that could be possible given the first few mentioned and I replied that I try very hard not to limit myself in terms of what I read, watch, or listen to at any given time, plus I am a die hard hopeless romantic and need me some good reading to keep my spirits up and allow me to see that there is a glimmer of hope in finding love.
As we chatted via site messages it came out that we'd chatted before and she was a follower of the blog but had found it slightly intimidating to read about all the women I've dated. This reminded me of the entry I did where I outlined my numbers and how I didn't think they were really all that out of line with anyone out there. I stand by that assertion and don't think I've dated too much as I really go weeks without anything happening, sometimes my choice and more often than not the worlds choice, but that is the way the dating world works I think.
The majority of my social interactions would come along the way of meeting for a drink and I'm still taking the stance that doesn't really qualify as a date but more like a meet and greet. Of those I've had more than I care to count and of the former not nearly as much as I'd have liked.
The blog isn't meant as some forum for bragging about my dating, or to be honest my lack of success, but more for an outlet to express my thoughts and feelings about things that happened to me or are happening around me in my day to day life.
I stopped blogging on the advice of a lady friend who said I was sharing too much and eliminating the need to actually meet me. As I've thought more and more about that argument I've come to realize that if anyone thinks that what I write on this site is all that I am about or that it would allow anyone to really think they know me from my words that they aren't the person who would find me compatible nor I am them.
I used to joke that I am the conundrum wrapped inside an onion....takes patience to peel me back one layer at a time till you finally reach the real question. I mentioned that one to my ex about a year ago and she laughed and said she still isn't sure to this day after knowing me for over 20 years and two kids that she was any closer to solving me than she was when we first met lol
So please remember that when you read the blog that those observations are for but a moment in time and I am trying to evolve the person that I am each and every day. I am and hope to continue to be a work in progress until I take my very last breathe for to do anything else is to stagnate as a person and that is unacceptable to this man.
The blog is back, whether it is better or some of the same old will be left to you to reader to decide for yourselves.
Today is Friday, September 12 and the weekend is upon us so here is me wishing each of you an awesome weekend and hopefully the one meant for you might cross your could happen