Thursday, February 22, 2018

I'm Still Around.............

Thursday, February 22/18

In response to all the messages I've received let me put every one's mind at ease and say that I'm still around and nothing has happened.

I've been a pretty bad at keeping my promise to update the blog more often and to post entries about the Mexico trip and I'm sorry for letting you's not that I don't have blog entries written but more the fact that I get them almost done and than just can't seem to complete them in a way that makes me feel like I've done a good job.

It is a good thing that my livelihood doesn't depend on posting entries else I'd have starved a long time it is I've managed to drop around 11 kilos since December just from not eating that much......enough of a change in my appearance that people have started to comment and my daughter has taken it upon herself to have me over for dinner every weekend lol

I think Dickens put it best when he wrote "It was the best of times, It was the worst of times"

That really is how I feel a lot of the time of my life are going well, my daughter getting married, my son doing well at university, and my grandson growing up so fast and loving time with his grandpa......and parts aren't going so well in that I can't sleep at night, have lost my appetite, and even when I do feel hungry find the thought of eating makes me nauseous.

One positive is that the CT scan came back and didn't show any spread of the cancer so now we just have to see how the biopsy turns out on the 14th after my surgery,

I do appreciate the well wishes and hope to get back on track but won't make any promises as every time I make one I seem to break it and that just leaves me feeling bad.

On a more positive note I have been out on a couple of dates so I haven't totally given up on securing my last first could happen right?

My name is Marcus and these are my infrequent posts about being a parent, friend, golfer, seeking my imperfectly perfect for me partner, and dealing with cancer.