Saturday, January 23/21
Hello, today's blog entry is short and sweet as it's just a reminder that this coming Thursday, January 28th is the annual Bell Let's Talk Day.
It is designed to remind us that mental health is more important than we think, that mental issues come in all shapes and sizes, that each of us has it in ourselves to make this world a little better than we found it.
For the most part, there are no natural indicators that someone you come across might be suffering from depression or another form of mental illness.
That person who opened the door for you could feel an overwhelming sense of dread.
The person who said good morning to you and you made a face at for being so bold as to address you when you don't even know them could be trying to overcome an issue at home and hoping for nothing more than an acknowledgement that they are alive.
Sometimes we don't even know that those around us are even aware of how we are feeling as we haven't even shared our fears and thoughts.
That last point was actually my own experience many years ago with my ex-wife. Winter used to be my downfall as the shorter and darker days messed with me pretty bad, so bad that my ex thought at one point that I might try and take my life, something I'd never do but we'd never had a conversation around how my mood changed a bit from mid-December to April. I learned about her worries one day when I went to take some Tylenol for a headache and couldn't find any in our bathroom, I asked her if we were out and she said no and proceeded to go into our walk-in closet to get them out of her jewelry box. I looked at her like what the hell were they doing there and she looked at me and honestly said "I was afraid to leave them out where you might use them"
To say that stunned me would be an understatement. I asked why she thought that and she said she knew I was struggling and just wanted to make sure I was there for her and the kids, that I didn't do anything that I couldn't undo. I looked at her for a moment, glanced out our bedroom door towards our children's bedrooms, pulled my wallet out of my pocket and dug out the employee health insurance card, walked over to the phone on my nightstand, and called the EAP number on the card and asked to speak with someone.
I never understood how much my own feelings had been putting my family under pressure, that they were walking on eggshells around me fearing they might upset me. That was the first time I've ever been to see someone to talk about my feelings and it hasn't been the last time.
I hope none of you learn anything like this from your own families as it really was a shocker as well as a reminder that though I thought I was facing my fears on my own that they were having a huge impact on those I loved the most.
We don't all have access to resources to help us through tough times so if you find yourself in need of someone to just hear you speak then I offer up myself to be that sounding board.
Please remember this, you are not alone and though you might not know it, there are people who truly care for and about you.
My name is Marcus and I am here for you......
Contact me at if you need to talk about anything, and I do mean anything