Sunday, August 29, 2021

Rock Is Far From Dead

 Sunday, August 29/21

So I read somewhere that there is this feeling that rock music is dying a slow death what with the dearth of new artists and while that part might be true let me say this, the vanguard is doing a hell of a job keeping the barbarians at the gate.

Case in point, the Foo Fighters, one of my all-time favorite groups continue to make amazing music but also bring us new things to love about music.

If you think music is dying or can't push the emotional boundaries like it always has than I invite you to watch the YouTube video from the August 26th performance by the Foo at the Los Angeles Forum where they play "Everlong" with an 11-year female drummer named Nandi Bushell and she absolutely kills it!

Nandi has a bit of a following as she challenged Dave Grohl, lead singer of the Foo and former drummer for Nirvana, to a drum-off on a couple of videos, and from what I've heard and read, she pretty much took him down big time, which is pretty amazing given he is considered one of the best drummers of all time.

Now Dave being Dave, embraced the challenge and publically acknowledged his ass whipping as the great guy he is and made this little moment happen to showcase just how good she is and the simple fact that music bridges the gap between ages, races, and genders.

Enjoy -
