Sunday, October 3, 2021


 Sunday, October 03/21


Oxford Languages defines silence as the complete absence of sound (noun) or the prohibition or prevention of someone speaking.

Both are pretty good on their own and I'm not smart enough to come up with a better definition myself so let's go with these for now.

But while I agree these are good I'm also in disagreement as I'm sure we've all had those moments where the silence around us is actually quite deafening in its loudness.

Stop and think about that for a moment and I'm confident each of us can remember a time or two when that statement is perfectly true.

I know of one such moment and I hope I never have to relive it again in my life as the silence I experienced as I sat in a hospital chapel and prayed for hours was so loud that my entire body trembled from it.

I don't mind the silence, think that sort of goes hand in hand with being a self-observed introvert, and can actually take it or leave it. I love to play music in the background when I'm home reading or even working during the day in my home office, but I can just as easily sit in silence to read or work, guess it depends on the mood.

This morning has been a silent one so far, having risen early to take Miko for a walk before the forecasted rain started and getting some stew going in the slow cooker as my son and his girlfriend and baby Max are coming for dinner later this afternoon.

I was sitting on the couch reading one of the many romance books on my tablet, don't judge me for this activity as I judge myself enough for it, when Miko crawled across my lap to half sit on me and half sit on the armrest of the couch and proceeded to go to sleep. I didn't really think anything of it for a few moments until I heard her softly breathing and knew she was deep into her 4th of 5th nap of the day and it dawned on me that Miko made the silence easier to bear, that she has made a lot of things easier to bear these past few months.

My life has seen a series of changes the past few years and I wasn't really prepared for them and that has resulted in me taking some steps back from things and sort of just allowing the silence to wrap me up in a cocoon, but I think that period is over and I can sort of see the old me coming back into focus.

I've still got some decisions to make but I'm feeling more assured that whatever final resolutions I come to will be what is right for me.

Sometimes all it takes is the gentle snore of a puppy to break the silence and put a smile on your face.

My name is Marcus and these blog postings are my little attempt to share bits of what it's like to be a middle-aged male still hopeful of finding friendship and possibly even love in an ever-changing world.

So this tune was playing yesterday on my home from going to Costco with my daughter and it made me wistful to receive one again........"Call Me In The Afternoon" by Half Moon Run

Got a thought you'd like to share? Maybe a question? Have an issue with something I've said in one of the blog entries? Well let me know at and maybe we can have a chat about it.