Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mother's Day

 Sunday, May 8th, 2022

I would like to wish every one of you acting in the role of a mother the very happiest of Mother's Day

Mom's come in all ages, shapes, sizes, and genders :-)

My daughter is mom to two of her own beautiful children, my future daughter-in-law is celebrating her first Mother's Day with my amazing grandson Maximino, and my ex-wife has always been a wonderful example of what one hopes that they get as a mom.

I haven't been posting much if at all lately but did want to take the time to express these wishes.

The past two years have been pretty trying for a lot of people and I honestly think that family has been the glue that has held things together in dealing with what life has thrown us.

I hope today brings nothing but smiles, laughter, hugs, and lots of love.
