Saturday, February 22, 2025

Feb 19th - WTH was going on?

 Saturday, February 22, 2025

So I just published my first entry in what feels like forever but was actually just a little over eight months ago - The Bear and decided to check out the blog stats and have to say I was shocked to see there were 533 views on February 19th.

I don't know of anything special that happened that day and am literally scratching my head trying to figure out what triggered this massive spike in views.

Was it one person reading the entirety of my library or was it multiple people reading random entries?

Not sure I'll ever know but it did make me pause and take notice so thank you, just what I needed on a rather cold Saturday in Ottawa.


The Bear

 Saturday, February 22, 2025

Guess you'd say that is an odd blog title to make my return with right? Let it never be said that I follow any rules or conventions when it comes to this little social experiment I call my blog.

So what is the significance of the title? Am I trying to establish my alpha personality and let the world know I stand alone in my fierce determination to succeed in life?

Well, the answer is no to both those questions and any others you might have come up with.

The Bear is nothing more than a show on Disney+ that caught my attention and made me pause to reflect on life, well my life at least. How did it catch my attention you might wonder, the plain and simple answer is I came across some TikToks about some episodes that made me pause and want to see what the show was about.

Now a normal person would more than likely start their research at say the first episode of the series but let it be said that normal and I do not necessarily go hand in hand. No, I started with Season 3 Episode 1 and have to admit that there was no way I could stop watching the episode from start to finish, partially because there was this haunting background music that played over the entirety of the episode and partially because there was no real dialogue between the characters, rather a series of scenes that left one wondering what thoughts were running through the main protagonists mind as you watched him in these scenes. Probably not the best way to understand the episode but one that left me feeling like something just clicked, made me feel almost complete once again, and left me wondering if that was what our lives are really like, a series of randomly connected scenes that bind things together.

For those wondering, I highly recommend watching that episode, if for no other reason than how that instrumental might resonate with you, Together by Nine Inch Nails. Definitely not something I would have ever attributed to them and just proof positive that music shall always have the ability to move us in the least expected ways from the least expected artists.

I did watch another episode, again one referenced in a TikTok video, and once again found my attention locked for its entirety, not something that I can say happens all that often these days. Season 2 Episode 7 "Forks". Spoiler alert, Richie's character really does develop over the course and makes me hope that someday I might experience the same growth in my own views.

I've written in the past that words move me, whether written or spoken and that still holds true to this day. I'd rather spend my free time golfing and watching my grandkids than anything else but when I can't do either of those you will more than likely find me on the couch or the chair in my home office with Miko curled up in my lap with a book in hand and music playing either through Alexa or on a speaker pushed from my iPhone.

As I write this I've got Fink "Looking Too Closely" playing on YouTube, take a listen and let me know how it resonates with you as it feels like something I might hear on an episode of The  Bear.

Am I back for good? I really don't know and refuse to make any promises, though the words and thoughts do seem to want an escape lately......
