Sunday, June 19/22 @ 9:52 am
So I'd like to take this moment to wish all the dad's out there a very Happy Father's Day.
This goes to the single dads doing it all, those lucky enough to have someone to help them on the parenthood journey, those dads who are part of a two-dad family, and the moms who have to be the dad in a one-parent household.
Being a parent is probably the toughest thing we'll ever do and one they don't make you take a test to prove you are capable of taking on such awesome responsibilities. Heck it would have been nice if we got an instruction booklet or users manual lol
My journey to fatherhood got a late start but man has it been an incredible experience so far, one I wouldn't have missed for anything in this world or the next!
I was fortunate enough to meet an amazing woman who let me into her life as well as her five-year-old daughters, they showed me what it meant to love someone unconditionally, that I could be a daddy without having shared my DNA with such a wonderful little girl.
Anyone can be a father as all it takes is about 2-3 minutes and some sperm but being a dad is a whole nother ball game, one that will test your patience, have you up late into the night worrying when your child isn't feeling well, see you standing on the sidelines or stands cheering as your child plays soccer, hockey, skates, or plays any number of sports. You'll get to take field trips and see new things around your city and probably attend more than a few parent-teacher conferences.
Being a parent, I use that term instead of just saying dad as I think it is more encompassing, means getting to snuggle while reading a book, watch the same movie over and over and over (Speed comes to mind with my daughter lol), apply antiseptic and bandaids to wounds, and tucking them in at the end of the day.
Being a parent means not only listening to what they have to say but hearing what they are trying to say without even knowing they are doing so. It means being able to hear words you might not like without letting the anger or pain reflect in your eyes or words.
Being a parent means putting someone else besides yourself first, maybe for the first time in your life, and doing it every single day for the rest of your days.
Being a parent doesn't end when they turn eighteen and leave home for university, for military service, or just to spread their wings and become independent.
Being a parent is a lifetime commitment best made not lightly or without conviction.
It will be the absolute hardest thing you'll ever do and the one that will have your heart melt with four simple words.......
I love you daddy
Today I'll celebrate Father's Day at my daughter's place with brunch where her brother and his partner and son will join us, this is my son's first Father's Day in his own right and I can't wait to see him and my grandson interact with one another.
I am a father to two amazing adults and thank my stars every single day that they help shape me into the man I am and will continue to do so until my last breathe.
Happy Father's Day!
My name is Marcus and these are my thoughts and observations on the things going on all around me, they might include being a father, friend, co-worker, dealing with my puppy Miko, trying to get my golf game under control, and just maybe dating and getting to share my last first kiss if the stars align.
Today's musical suggestion is "To Believe" by The Cinematic Orchestra
I can be reached at for any reason :-)