Friday, June 17, 2022


 Friday, June 17/22

Wednesday saw another family milestone accomplished and it got me to wonder how other people measure important milestones in life.

I think we probably all have some of the same milestones that we measure against and hope to see achieved over the course of our lives.

Some are pretty obvious like turning 16 and being able to drive, turning 18 and getting to vote, turning 19 and being able to legally drink in Ontario, turning 25, and then hitting the decade numbers as we try and age gracefully, or as much as we can lol

I hit the turning 60 milestones in a few months and it constantly amazes me that I am actually that old. I know it is a cliche to say one doesn't feel as old as one really is but that is really how I feel most days, well with the exception of day four of four straight days golfing as then I feel my age and then some :-)

Other milestones probably include the first day of school, graduating grade school, starting and graduating high school, and the same for university. Getting married and having kids probably ranks pretty high up there I'd imagine. Buying your first car or home is a pretty big deal for a lot of us.

So what big milestone did I see on Wednesday?

My son walked across the stage at Carleton University and received his Bachelor of Arts degree in a Covid delayed convocation ceremony.

He is the third member of our immediate family to earn a university degree, the second member on his mom's side of the family, and I believe the fourth on my side of the family. I say I believe on my side as I have no clue if any of my cousins' children went to university.

Now here is the shocker about the whole thing, I didn't even cry, which for those of you who know me says a lot. Now don't get me wrong and think I wasn't feeling emotionally charged by the event as I really was, but the truth is that I had my moment of tears as I sat there waiting before the ceremony got started, thinking back on all my son has overcome, the hours spent studying and working on papers and projects, the all-nighters he pulled, and sometimes the tears and frustration when he had some self-doubts, something we can all relate to I'm sure. But the one thing he did was persevere and meet his goals head-on.

I'm proud of my son for a lot of things and really do think I've been blessed with amazing children who have never done anything but make me smile. Now I'm getting the same vibes from the small tribe of grandchildren they are giving the family.

So what is the next milestone I see on the horizon? Well besides the aforementioned birthday for yours truly it will be my grandaughter starting school, followed by my son's own son doing the same, my oldest grandson graduating to middle/high school, and so on and so on for the three of them.

I guess somewhere in there will be me retiring but let's not rush that one just quite yet folks as I'm still enjoying my career.

So what milestones do you and your family celebrate?

My name is Marcus and these are but some of the things I ponder on a daily basis as I try and be the best version of myself that I can, some days I win and some days I don't, but I honestly believe it all balances out in the end.

Today's musical suggestion is "One Step Ahead" by Jack Johnson

Questions, comments, and complaints can all be sent to me at and I promise a response back :-)

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