Sunday, November 20, 2016

The First Snow of the Winter Season

Sunday, November 20/16

So today was one of those lazy Sunday's we all like and deserve sometimes.

Saturday was busy with my son's indoor soccer game in the morning, doing some errands afterwards, and finished with us going to see the Senator game with the tickets his co-op placement gave him on Thursday.  The funny thing was that his mom and sister were at the same too but sitting almost directly across the arena from us - we signaled each other with the light function on our cell phones and gave everyone around a good chuckle when we explained what was going on lol

The plan for today was to just take it easy as he had some reading to do for English and some progress to make on a Law project. I was planning on just doing some analysis on the payroll to make sure our parent company isn't over/under charging us for benefits and than watch the Red Blacks in the CFL Eastern Finals against Edmonton.

The topper to the day was the snow that started falling around 9am and continued all day long. It made for some interesting plays in the Red Blacks game and gave me some chilled fingers when I switched out his floor mats for the new winter mats I got last month for my son's car.

Now as much as I love golf and knowing that the falling white stuff means my game is on hold, I also love how it looks when it's snowing outside, the wind blowing flakes all willy nilly outside my front window.

I cooked up a nice little pork roast with mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner and my son commented on how much he loved seeing the snow outside as ate our meal.

The rest of the night will see him doing some more reading and I'll use the time to tidy things up as well as make my lunch for tomorrow as I'm bound and determined to cut down on my dining out costs moving forwards, I mean I do have to keep adding to my son's RESP account so he can pursue his dream and not end up in massive debt while doing so.

I hope everyone's weekend was as fulfilling as mine and that you drive safe and take a moment to tell those close to you how much you care for them.


P.S. Red Blacks beat Edmonton and are off to their second straight Grey Cup next weekend down in Toronto!!!!

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