Tuesday, July 31, 2018

I Paused And Had A Chuckle Today

Tuesday, July 31/18

So while I was walking down the street to grab some lunch I passed this sign and had to turn around to read it twice as it made me smile.

On my way back to work I counted approximately 6 other people stopping at it to take a picture and each of us exchanged a smile as we passed one another....

Image may contain: 1 person

My name is Marcus and I'm pretty sure Moki thinks I'm nothing more than her human pillow :-)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Blog Will Be Changing A Bit

Wednesday, July 25/18

So when I started this little blog a few years ago I really had no long term plans on how I wanted to see it go in terms of how often I'd post an entry and over time it's just been sort of a hit or miss with me, dependent on my mood at the time more than anything else.

The one thing I have always felt was that the blog entries needed to have some substance, a little meat if you will, if they were to be taken seriously, and because of that ill conceived notion I've tended to hold back on posting some entries as I didn't feel the length was sufficient enough to get the message across.

Guess you can say that size mattered to me lol

But after spending the last few weeks sort of doing a reassessment of what I want out of life I've started to simplify a lot of things, including the blog, all hopefully for the better.

No longer will posts be held back just because I've not filled them out to such a length that I feel make then reader worthy.

No, now posts will be done based on whether or not they say what I'm feeling.

That means some might have some breadth to them and some might be nothing more than observational in nature, meant to do nothing more than make you pause for a moment and think about the observation, letting you smile in agreement, scratching your head in puzzlement, or shaking your head with an angry mental retort meant as rebuttal to my viewpoint. Any and all of those reactions are fine with me, I'm really just still trying to make you think, you don't need to agree with what I'm saying but please grant me the right to speak my mind, I'll gracefully read any counter argument you might have, realizing that we don't have to see eye to eye to have a constructive debate on a topic.

So as you can see from a couple of the earlier posts this evening, the evolution has already started and will continue over the next little while, stick around for a bit and let me know what you think.

Not all old music is good and not all new music is bad......food for thought

My name is Marcus and I follow the adage that if you aren't changing you're most likely stagnating, a little bit each day, something this man isn't willing to allow to happen on his watch.

Today's musical suggestion is "Better Now" by Post Malone.  Makes me wonder how many people who have come and gone from my life think this way..............

I Like My Son.......

Wednesday, July 25/18

I like my son.

I know that might sound like a rather obvious statement for me to make about my son but take a moment and really think about it and what it means.

I love my son unconditionally as every parent should, I'd give my life for him in heartbeat without a moments hesitation.

But the truth is I actually like him as the young man he's developing into.

I watch and listen to his interactions with family and friends and realize that even though his mother and I didn't work out as a couple we still managed to raise an exceptional young man, one who is smart as a whip, athletic, empathetic, understanding, caring, and never seems to ever have a bad word to say about anyone or anything.

I enjoy the moments I get to spend with him, whether it be watching a soccer match, grabbing a pint, or just taking the dog for a walk.

His observations about things happening around us show a deeper understanding of the human condition than I ever had at 19 and his ability to hold a conversation on any number of topics makes me realize that his future is only as set in stone as he wants it to be.........

I think only a parent can really understand the significance of such a simple statement...I like my son, I like my daughter.......love is expected but to actually like the person your child becomes is just the icing on the cake as in this day and age, with the whole "it's about me" mentality that seems to permeate how young people see things, making a lot of people unlikeable, to like your child or sibling says a lot about them as a person.

My name is Marcus and I love my son and daughter, but more importantly, I like my son and daughter, like them a lot do I.

Like & Love

Wednesday, July 25/2018

So I came across this saying in a movie I was watching earlier tonight.

"I like and I love........"

"I like you for the things that make you you...........I love you despite the fact that some of them also drive me nuts"

Kind of an interesting observation and not really looking to add too much to it.

It sort of resonates with me as when I think of some of the people who've come and gone in my life I can honestly I've felt both emotions.


Moki Made a New Friend

Saturday, July 07/18

It's kind of funny that over the years my son has joked that we need to get another puppy as he thinks Moki needs her own pet to make her happy like she does us.

I always laugh and tell him there is no way our pet is going have a pet of her own, resulting in receiving a smirk in response and some comment like "We'll see" or "If you come home to find one there's not much you can do"....the last usually making me remind him that there is a lot I can do and he's best off not opening that door if he knows what's good for himself.

But Karma is a fickle temptress and I really need to remember that more often...........

I was walking Moki down to the park for her morning walk when we came across a cat sitting on the front sidewalk in front of my neighbors Emily & Mike's house. I stopped and watched to see if Gus was going to walk back to the front door when he slowly rose to all four and walked directly up to Moki.

Gus stood there in nose to nose with Moki and suddenly leaned forward and rubbed his whiskers against Moki's muzzle, gave a soft purr, turned around and walked back up onto the deck, and curled up into a ball and went to sleep.

I actually stood there frozen in place asking my self if what I just witnessed actually happened when Emily came outside and asked if Gus just marked Moki has his own. I laughed and said I think so, we smiled at one another and than continued our walk to the park.

About halfway through our walk Moki stopped dead in her tracks and looked back at me as if to say "I can't believe you allowed that thing to touch me, there will be consequences to your treachery and you shall rue the day you let it happen".  Yes, my dog used the word rue in the proper context in a sentence. She's one smart cookie!!!

Now over the past week or so I've noticed that Gus wanders down to my place, jumps up on the brick windowsill to peek into the the living room as if he's checking up on Moki. It is kind of cute and a little bit disturbing as well.

I told my son about this and he mentioned seeing Gus sitting on the deck watching him as he takes Moki for walks and was pretty sure Moki does her little prancing walk when she sees him.

Not sure whether to laugh or cry at the fact that even my damn dog has more game than I do when it comes to meeting someone of the opposite sex lol

My name is Marcus and I've accepted the challenge thrown down at my feet by my diva dog!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Happy Canada Day 2018!!!

Sunday, July 01/18

Today's marks Canada's 151st birthday and man is it a hot one!!

Hot because we rock as a nation and hot because the mercury is pushing it up to 35c and 43c with the Humidex.

I went to the carnival at the Kanata Recreation Centre with my daughter, son-in-law, and grandson this morning at 10 am and it was already scorching at that time and within 25 minutes we were heading home as Jack was getting way too flushed for my liking.

Hard to believe that they actually ran a partial marathon this morning - Moki and I got to see some of the runners as part of the course worked it's way through my neighborhood.

I mentioned to my daughter that I might go and play some golf this afternoon and she forbid me from even thinking about it - yes, you read that correctly, she forbid me from golfing in this heat. I laughed at her remark until I saw my son-in-law shaking his head at me and mouthing the words "Don't argue with her".........

Seems she was very upset to learn I'd played the back nine at Stittsville late yesterday and told him she was worried I wasn't ready for that kind of exertion, especially not in this heat, and not so soon after getting cleared from the cancer scare.

So to be a good father and grandfather, I sent her a text a little while ago saying I was staying home today and just enjoying the coolness bestowed upon the house through the air conditioner.

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the long weekend, well those of you in Canada that is, and getting to spend lots of time with friends and family.

I'm heading back to the grind on Tuesday and will keep you updated on how things progress as I'm sort of expecting a chilly reception but don't really give a damn anymore lol

My name is Marcus and I'm a proud Canadian!!!