Wednesday, July 25/18
So when I started this little blog a few years ago I really had no long term plans on how I wanted to see it go in terms of how often I'd post an entry and over time it's just been sort of a hit or miss with me, dependent on my mood at the time more than anything else.
The one thing I have always felt was that the blog entries needed to have some substance, a little meat if you will, if they were to be taken seriously, and because of that ill conceived notion I've tended to hold back on posting some entries as I didn't feel the length was sufficient enough to get the message across.
Guess you can say that size mattered to me lol
But after spending the last few weeks sort of doing a reassessment of what I want out of life I've started to simplify a lot of things, including the blog, all hopefully for the better.
No longer will posts be held back just because I've not filled them out to such a length that I feel make then reader worthy.
No, now posts will be done based on whether or not they say what I'm feeling.
That means some might have some breadth to them and some might be nothing more than observational in nature, meant to do nothing more than make you pause for a moment and think about the observation, letting you smile in agreement, scratching your head in puzzlement, or shaking your head with an angry mental retort meant as rebuttal to my viewpoint. Any and all of those reactions are fine with me, I'm really just still trying to make you think, you don't need to agree with what I'm saying but please grant me the right to speak my mind, I'll gracefully read any counter argument you might have, realizing that we don't have to see eye to eye to have a constructive debate on a topic.
So as you can see from a couple of the earlier posts this evening, the evolution has already started and will continue over the next little while, stick around for a bit and let me know what you think.
Not all old music is good and not all new music is for thought
My name is Marcus and I follow the adage that if you aren't changing you're most likely stagnating, a little bit each day, something this man isn't willing to allow to happen on his watch.
Today's musical suggestion is "Better Now" by Post Malone. Makes me wonder how many people who have come and gone from my life think this way..............