Wednesday, July 25/18
I like my son.
I know that might sound like a rather obvious statement for me to make about my son but take a moment and really think about it and what it means.
I love my son unconditionally as every parent should, I'd give my life for him in heartbeat without a moments hesitation.
But the truth is I actually like him as the young man he's developing into.
I watch and listen to his interactions with family and friends and realize that even though his mother and I didn't work out as a couple we still managed to raise an exceptional young man, one who is smart as a whip, athletic, empathetic, understanding, caring, and never seems to ever have a bad word to say about anyone or anything.
I enjoy the moments I get to spend with him, whether it be watching a soccer match, grabbing a pint, or just taking the dog for a walk.
His observations about things happening around us show a deeper understanding of the human condition than I ever had at 19 and his ability to hold a conversation on any number of topics makes me realize that his future is only as set in stone as he wants it to be.........
I think only a parent can really understand the significance of such a simple statement...I like my son, I like my is expected but to actually like the person your child becomes is just the icing on the cake as in this day and age, with the whole "it's about me" mentality that seems to permeate how young people see things, making a lot of people unlikeable, to like your child or sibling says a lot about them as a person.
My name is Marcus and I love my son and daughter, but more importantly, I like my son and daughter, like them a lot do I.
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