Sunday, October 7, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving Canada

Sunday, October 07/18

Well tomorrow is Thanksgiving in Canada and I wanted to take a moment to wish all my fellow Canadians a Happy Thanksgiving, hoping you are able to share some warm times and good food with family and friends.

My son and I will be heading over to my daughters house tomorrow to partake of some turkey, ham, and all the fixings. When I saw her this morning she was literally bouncing with anticipation about hosting the family dinner, so much that I had to stifle my laugh lest she think I wasn't taking her serious.

Over the years I've watched both my kids develop into well rounded adults, who have brought me much joy a little worry now and again, but in the end I've come to realize that the ex and I did a pretty damn good job raising them as co-parents.

I know that my son has it easier with me than my daughter did as I came into her life when she was 5 years old and really learned how to be a dad with her, much to his benefit, but at the same time I don't remember that part of my life where I wasn't her daddy.

Life can throw us some unexpected twists but the key is being able to keep your feet from becoming too firmly planted so you can change directions as warranted.

Three years ago I was making my first Thanksgiving Dinner for my family, albeit with a lot of assistance from Corinna, and I can say thinking back on that day makes me appreciate those who have come into my life, whether for a moment, a season, or forvever!!

Forever doesn't mean they are physically still part of your life but that the influence they created has stayed with you through the test of time.

I'm pretty damn lucky to say that has been the case with a couple of people who had large parts in shaping the man I am today.

Stay warm and always are important to someone, whether you might not realize it or not.


Today's musical recommendation is an oldie but goodie......"We've Got Tonight" by Bob Segar & The Silver Bullet Band

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