Monday, May 13/19
I find myself torn between two diametrically opposite emotions thanks to my son.
You see he left on holiday this morning for a week in Punta Cana down in the Dominican Republic.
There's a group of 5 of them who have gone down and I know all of them in one way or another, one from his years playing hockey, two from having played on a soccer team with him that I coached, and one from his high school. All of them are good lads in their own ways.
So what are my opposed emotions?
Excitement and bone wrenching terror.
I'm excited for him taking his first independent holiday, one he researched on his own and booked through a travel agent known to the family, one he organized with his buddies, and one he's earned after a tough school year that included a breakup that left him more than a bit down in the dumps.
I'm terrified that neither his mother or I will be close enough to help if anything bad happens. I know that is kind of an irrational thought but tell me when any parent hasn't engaged in such thought where their children are concerned and I'll show you a liar.
Help me out here readers, share with me your own stories about when someone close to you ventured out for the first time and how you handled it, I can really use some reassurances this week as I'm sure it's going to be one long damn week for me to endure.
His mom drove him and one of the other lads to Montreal last night as that is where they are flying out from and I'm picking them up next Monday around 5 pm eastern standard time. I'm going to try my best not to crush him to my chest in a hug when I see but not making any promises.
This is one of the milestone events we as parents have spent years preparing them for and yet I don't think we really consider what it means to us ourselves, we all want our children to be able to move forward through life without needing us and at the same time that same act means part of our own purpose has been fulfilled, leaving some of us to ponder what will fill that place in our lives.
I'm not implying our kids aren't part of us anymore but lets face it, once they taste that freedom they'll strive for it more and more, as they should with every fibre in their bodies, leaving us to face the whole empty nest syndrome. Something I'm actually kind of facing these days anyways given how little I do see my son between his school schedule, work, and social commitments.
Sometimes I feel like I need to schedule time with him so we can catch up with one another, does anyone else ever feel that way too?
It's going to be a long week but I'm sure I'll get through it and can't wait to hear some, likely not all, of the stories from his time down south on his own.
My name is Marcus and I might have shorter fingernails before the week is done ;-) is the place to send any comments or questions.
Monday, May 13, 2019
A Blog Entry That's Not So "G" Rated
Friday, May 10/19
I was driving to work this morning when I happened to drive past the West Ottawa Community Resources Center and noticed one of those portable signs businesses use to promote a sale or special event.
As a member of the west end community my family has partaken of the some of the services offered at the WOCRC in the form of some special speech development classes with my son when he was around 3-4 years old. We were fortunate to be paired up with a wonderful therapist who helped us get him past a little bump and onto normal speech development progression.
I always look at that building when I drive past with special warmth inside for all the good they do in the community, a lot of programs are advertised on the board outside along Castlefrank Road.
Nothing extraordinary about that and not what caught my eye and made my blood begin to boil this morning.
Now I don't take offence at this morning's sign posting but rather the very fact that it even needs to be said or set up as a special event.
So what has this blogger so upset? Here is this mornings sign.........
"May is Sexual Abuse Prevention Month"
Are you fucking kidding me?
Have we dropped so low as a society that we need to specifically set aside a month devoted to preventing sexual abuse?
Honestly, shouldn't every month be "Sexual Abuse Prevention Month"?
More like every week or better about every Goddamn Fucking Day be devoted to preventing sexual abuse!!!!!!!
I'm not upset with them for posting the sign as I get it, there are some real Darwin Award winners running around amongst us and these jewels of humanity most likely need the reminder.
No, I'm just upset that the lack common decency and basic knowledge make it so necessary to have to set aside a month to prevent something that is so fundamental to us as a people.
As a parent and now a grandparent I can honestly say I've been worried about abuse in all shapes and forms from the first day my daughter came into my life to the day my grandson came along.
I worried about my kids getting bullied, both physically and emotionally, and I hate to admit with all the recent stories coming out about sexual abuse in some of the schools that I've wondered if a conversation should be had with both of my kids, wondered until my own son commented about them and said there is no way he'd ever have let anyone do that to him and keep silent.
We live in a scary world, all 7+ billion of us, and that means that scary things can happen at the hands of some not very nice people, I get it and it makes my soul wrench in agony that bad things happen to good people, I wish there was something I could do to stop it but I am only one person standing on the beach trying to hold back the incoming tide so what can I really do.........
I can stand and make sure that I act in the best way possible towards my fellow humans, hopefully joining with others who feel the same and form a dike that helps to hold back the onslaught of despair and pain that might come from standing alone.
The Anglo-Irish statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke said it best when he said
Let us never forget this message, let us all strive to be good people, let us all stand up and do what we can to bring goodness to the world around us, and maybe, just maybe, our efforts won't go unnoticed and we will make the difference we so desperately want to see in our world.........
My name is Marcus and I vow that every single fucking day of my life is devoted to preventing abuse in any way, shape, or form. Not just for my own family but yours as well as we are only as strong as the effort we make.
Observations and comments are always welcome and you can reach me at the blogs email account
Nota bene: I suggest Googling the Darwin Awards if you don't understand the subtle insult referred in the blog. Unfortunately I have to admit to knowing one or two prime candidates for the award.
I was driving to work this morning when I happened to drive past the West Ottawa Community Resources Center and noticed one of those portable signs businesses use to promote a sale or special event.
As a member of the west end community my family has partaken of the some of the services offered at the WOCRC in the form of some special speech development classes with my son when he was around 3-4 years old. We were fortunate to be paired up with a wonderful therapist who helped us get him past a little bump and onto normal speech development progression.
I always look at that building when I drive past with special warmth inside for all the good they do in the community, a lot of programs are advertised on the board outside along Castlefrank Road.
Nothing extraordinary about that and not what caught my eye and made my blood begin to boil this morning.
Now I don't take offence at this morning's sign posting but rather the very fact that it even needs to be said or set up as a special event.
So what has this blogger so upset? Here is this mornings sign.........
"May is Sexual Abuse Prevention Month"
Are you fucking kidding me?
Have we dropped so low as a society that we need to specifically set aside a month devoted to preventing sexual abuse?
Honestly, shouldn't every month be "Sexual Abuse Prevention Month"?
More like every week or better about every Goddamn Fucking Day be devoted to preventing sexual abuse!!!!!!!
I'm not upset with them for posting the sign as I get it, there are some real Darwin Award winners running around amongst us and these jewels of humanity most likely need the reminder.
No, I'm just upset that the lack common decency and basic knowledge make it so necessary to have to set aside a month to prevent something that is so fundamental to us as a people.
As a parent and now a grandparent I can honestly say I've been worried about abuse in all shapes and forms from the first day my daughter came into my life to the day my grandson came along.
I worried about my kids getting bullied, both physically and emotionally, and I hate to admit with all the recent stories coming out about sexual abuse in some of the schools that I've wondered if a conversation should be had with both of my kids, wondered until my own son commented about them and said there is no way he'd ever have let anyone do that to him and keep silent.
We live in a scary world, all 7+ billion of us, and that means that scary things can happen at the hands of some not very nice people, I get it and it makes my soul wrench in agony that bad things happen to good people, I wish there was something I could do to stop it but I am only one person standing on the beach trying to hold back the incoming tide so what can I really do.........
I can stand and make sure that I act in the best way possible towards my fellow humans, hopefully joining with others who feel the same and form a dike that helps to hold back the onslaught of despair and pain that might come from standing alone.
The Anglo-Irish statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke said it best when he said
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Let us never forget this message, let us all strive to be good people, let us all stand up and do what we can to bring goodness to the world around us, and maybe, just maybe, our efforts won't go unnoticed and we will make the difference we so desperately want to see in our world.........
My name is Marcus and I vow that every single fucking day of my life is devoted to preventing abuse in any way, shape, or form. Not just for my own family but yours as well as we are only as strong as the effort we make.
Observations and comments are always welcome and you can reach me at the blogs email account
Nota bene: I suggest Googling the Darwin Awards if you don't understand the subtle insult referred in the blog. Unfortunately I have to admit to knowing one or two prime candidates for the award.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Happy Mother's Day
Sunday, May 12/19
I would like to send my best wishes on this Mother's Day to all the mom's out there raising children.
Of course in this day and age I feel the need to modify those best wishes as follows....
I'm sending them to all the mom's in a traditional partnership with a husband/fiance/boyfriend, all the mom's in a modern partnership with a wife, all the mom's doing it on their own, all the dad's acting like mom due to a loss or other unforeseen circumstances, and all the two dad families raising kids in this modern world.
Being a parent isn't easy, it doesn't require a test of any kind, though given some of the parents I've met over the years I wonder why we don't require one, and it doesn't come with any instruction manuals, heaven knows those might have come in handy a few times.
We don't get paid to be a parent and more often than not are overlooked for that which we do in terms of helping our children grow up feeling wanted, loved, and protected.
Often the compensation we receive comes in the form of another person making a favourable comment on how our child acts with other or adults. I can't tell you how often I've received compliments on how well mannered my son is and I know both my own mother and grandfather are looking down at me with a smile, knowing I took the lessons they tried to instill in me to heart and have passed along to my own children.
But the best compensation I receive is seeing them smile and the hug my son will walk up and give me out of the blue without any bidding on my part, whether his friends are around or not.
So to all of you out there doing the whole parent thing.....keep up the good work and I hope all of you get a special hug today from those little things we've spent countless hours teaching and worrying about.
My name is Marcus and the greatest thing I've ever done is to be a parent to one amazing daughter and one awesome son.
Today's musical suggestion is "Butterfly Kisses" by Bob Carlisle. Makes me think of my little girl every single time I hear it. Tho she isn't so little anymore, she'll always be this daddy's little girl.
Questions and comments, both good and bad, welcome at
I would like to send my best wishes on this Mother's Day to all the mom's out there raising children.
Of course in this day and age I feel the need to modify those best wishes as follows....
I'm sending them to all the mom's in a traditional partnership with a husband/fiance/boyfriend, all the mom's in a modern partnership with a wife, all the mom's doing it on their own, all the dad's acting like mom due to a loss or other unforeseen circumstances, and all the two dad families raising kids in this modern world.
Being a parent isn't easy, it doesn't require a test of any kind, though given some of the parents I've met over the years I wonder why we don't require one, and it doesn't come with any instruction manuals, heaven knows those might have come in handy a few times.
We don't get paid to be a parent and more often than not are overlooked for that which we do in terms of helping our children grow up feeling wanted, loved, and protected.
Often the compensation we receive comes in the form of another person making a favourable comment on how our child acts with other or adults. I can't tell you how often I've received compliments on how well mannered my son is and I know both my own mother and grandfather are looking down at me with a smile, knowing I took the lessons they tried to instill in me to heart and have passed along to my own children.
But the best compensation I receive is seeing them smile and the hug my son will walk up and give me out of the blue without any bidding on my part, whether his friends are around or not.
So to all of you out there doing the whole parent thing.....keep up the good work and I hope all of you get a special hug today from those little things we've spent countless hours teaching and worrying about.
My name is Marcus and the greatest thing I've ever done is to be a parent to one amazing daughter and one awesome son.
Today's musical suggestion is "Butterfly Kisses" by Bob Carlisle. Makes me think of my little girl every single time I hear it. Tho she isn't so little anymore, she'll always be this daddy's little girl.
Questions and comments, both good and bad, welcome at
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