Sunday, May 12/19
I would like to send my best wishes on this Mother's Day to all the mom's out there raising children.
Of course in this day and age I feel the need to modify those best wishes as follows....
I'm sending them to all the mom's in a traditional partnership with a husband/fiance/boyfriend, all the mom's in a modern partnership with a wife, all the mom's doing it on their own, all the dad's acting like mom due to a loss or other unforeseen circumstances, and all the two dad families raising kids in this modern world.
Being a parent isn't easy, it doesn't require a test of any kind, though given some of the parents I've met over the years I wonder why we don't require one, and it doesn't come with any instruction manuals, heaven knows those might have come in handy a few times.
We don't get paid to be a parent and more often than not are overlooked for that which we do in terms of helping our children grow up feeling wanted, loved, and protected.
Often the compensation we receive comes in the form of another person making a favourable comment on how our child acts with other or adults. I can't tell you how often I've received compliments on how well mannered my son is and I know both my own mother and grandfather are looking down at me with a smile, knowing I took the lessons they tried to instill in me to heart and have passed along to my own children.
But the best compensation I receive is seeing them smile and the hug my son will walk up and give me out of the blue without any bidding on my part, whether his friends are around or not.
So to all of you out there doing the whole parent thing.....keep up the good work and I hope all of you get a special hug today from those little things we've spent countless hours teaching and worrying about.
My name is Marcus and the greatest thing I've ever done is to be a parent to one amazing daughter and one awesome son.
Today's musical suggestion is "Butterfly Kisses" by Bob Carlisle. Makes me think of my little girl every single time I hear it. Tho she isn't so little anymore, she'll always be this daddy's little girl.
Questions and comments, both good and bad, welcome at
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