Wednesday, July 03/19
For the first time in my memory, I'm feeling my age and I have to say it sucks big time!
Over the course of the last month, I've somehow managed to develop tendonitis in my right shoulder that coupled with, as my doctor puts it, normal wear and tear have left me with severe pain whenever I do too much.
Added to that is the fact that two weeks ago it looks like I might have torn the MCL in my left knee from doing nothing more than walking a round of golf on a wet Saturday morning.
Of the two I'd say the knee has me way more bothered as every time I walk down some stairs or put any significant weight on it I hear and feel a clicking and popping sound and the knee feels like it wants to slide to the outside.
I'm scheduled to have x-rays done this Friday and then probably an MRI to see how bad it might be and the next course of action. Most likely surgery that might take anywhere from 6 to 9 months to get done, followed by what I'm guessing is going to be some serious rehab and physio to try and get back as much as I can in terms of mobility.
The shoulder sucks but I can physio that one back but the knee is worse as I've always worried about my knees from when I played high school football down in San Diego. My junior year saw 4 teammates blew out ACL's or MCL's that required the old style of surgery that cut through muscles and pretty much-ended football for my friends. I'm lucky in that my likely procedure will be done arthroscopically and mean minimal muscle damage. Sort of like my meniscus surgery back in 2009 from the ill-fated attempt to try my hand at snowboarding with the kids.
When it's all said and done I'll have had surgery on both knees for different reasons later in life than I thought would happen.
I'm sort of pissed off about it but I also know I'll get through it as I have a clear mind and open eyes as to my process.
Just wish my body hadn't decided to start reminding me I'm much older than I actually feel most days.
I see myself getting back into the gym and not just because it's where my rehab will start but also help me purge my body of negative chemicals and restore my mental harmony. Think there might also be some yoga added to my mix as one can never be too limber can one?
My name is Marcus and even though my body might be aging and getting older on me, I refuse to let my inner child be dampened and will continue to let him out to play, heck maybe he'll even help me meet my one........
Today's musical recommendation comes from the Cascadia album by Said The Whale in the song "Record Shop"........listening to it makes me think back when it was a big deal to visit Tower Records and buy a new album or two.
Comments and questions are always welcome so hit me up at my Gmail account -
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