Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Email Nobody Wants to Receive

Saturday, April 04/20

So my Saturday morning started off with a message I'm sure no one wants to ever see these days.

It appears that one of the staff at the Shoppers Drug Mart I frequent has tested positive for the Covid19 virus and as it turns out I might have been exposed as well, I checked the dates against my receipts and found two that match so now I'm playing the waiting game.

It looks like I'm about halfway through the time frame where I could start to experience symptoms and am happy to say so far so good, keeping those fingers crossed, dotting all the i's and crossing as many t's as possible.

This all comes on the Friday announcement by the provincial government that we can expect approximately 1,600 deaths from Covid19 if we continue with the current procedures and could see as many as +10K if we don't.  I say we stay the course and try and keep that number as low as possible, what say you world?

So while my Saturday hasn't had the start I was hoping for, I'm going to do my best to remain positive and upbeat, nothing else I can really do as I already am eating well, hydrating, and getting rest.

I think it was only a matter of time until these things started to happen as unless we literally went into 100% lockdown with absolutely no human interaction it is impossible to completely eliminate the potential of someone developing the virus, and let's be honest here, that is not a real option in this day and age.

My name is Marcus and I'll deal with the hand life sends my way.

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