Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Happy Canada Day!!

Wednesday, July 01/20

Just want to take a quick moment to wish all my fellow Canadians a Happy Canada Day and celebrate the awesomeness that is our great country.

If you have any doubts about that last part just think about the mess our neighbors to the south have to deal with on a daily basis and you'll probably agree with me.

We aren't perfect by a long shot but we don't pretend to be either, unlike some idiot I can name whose initials just might be DJT lol

But enough about that subject..........

Today is about our national birthday and doing our best to enhance and grow the society in which we live.

With the weather looking so nice I'll be getting in a round of golf, what else did you expect from me, and then visiting my daughter and her family to watch some fireworks tonight.

I hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable day as well :-)


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