Friday, November 6, 2020

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man

 Friday, November 06/20

I came across a YouTube video on Thursday called "A Conversation with the Police - Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man" and upon the conclusion, I immediately subscribed to the channel run by Emmanuel Acho as it struck a chord deep within me.

The link to the video is right here:

There was no finger-pointing or name-calling, but there was simple dialogue that raised some thought-provoking points on how we as a society view one another, from both sides of the colour spectrum.

I highly recommend you take a few moments to watch some of the videos on Emmanuel's channel and see if they don't make you stand back and rethink how you've been seeing things around you.

I just finished the episode on inter-racial couples and was blown away at how both couples had similar approaches to dealing with the attitudes they face from people around them to family and friends.

The link to this video is right here:

I'm not going to stand on my soapbox and spew out a diatribe on how we all need to get along and that colour doesn't matter because unfortunately in this day and age the colour of a person's skin does matter to some of those around us. I can't change peoples minds but what I can do is distance myself from them when they show me who they really are as a person.

My name is Marcus and I try to make each day better than the previous day through my thoughts and actions, I strive to understand the situation around me and what I might be able to do to improve it. I challenge you to do the same.

Thoughts, questions, and viewpoints are always welcome - hit me up at and let's have a conversation


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