Thursday, December 24/20
Here we sit on the eve of Christmas so I thought I'd offer up some holiday cheer and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
To say the past several months have been trying times would probably be one of the biggest understatements I could make, and a few of those I've made over my life lol
Since this is an even-numbered year it means I'll be alone on Christmas Eve as my son rotates who he is with on the eve and morning year over year.
We all have little traditions we follow and I'm no different than anyone else, mine normally include Midnight Mass but those are on hold this year as we continue to follow guidelines to help us win the fight against Covid-19. I'm not thrilled to miss Midnight Mass, especially given I'm alone tonight, but the needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the few or the one, and yes, that is a quote from Spock but if the quote fits than it needs to be used regardless of the source.
I've never been fond of my solo Christmas Eves but always took solace in the gatherings I was able to partake in over the years that reminded me of the love that is all around if we are only open to seeing things with the combination of heart, eyes, and mind, The true triple threat for sure.
It would be easy to let this post segway into a review of the year that just was but I think I'll hold off on that for the next few days as I'm slowly sorting through all that has happened over the course of the last 12 months, and oh my but it's been a full year, both good and bad, and yes, there have been some good points over the past year or so.
One of my best solo years came in 2014 when I was invited to join Corinna at midnight mass with her mother and her eldest son, an interesting way to meet the new GF's parents don't you think? lol
So while that won't be happening this year, no new GF's parents to meet or midnight mass to embrace, I'll take a few moments to think of all the people who have come into my life and made a difference one way or another.
With all the presents wrapped and cards signed and sealed it means that in just a short little while I'll be sitting down to slowly sip on a little glass of spiked egg nog while I watch one of my favourite Christmas movies "Love Actually".
I hope you are spending these times with loved ones and friends, with reminders of what the season is really about, making memories and living in the moment.
Tomorrow will be a short drive down to my daughter's place for our family gathering and dinner, there will be mayhem galore as we exchange gifts, smiles, hugs, and laughs. My best gifts will be seeing my grandkids and getting to hold my little princess as she's taken to wanting to be in my arms as I walk around the house, nothing beats that feeling she puts inside my creaky chest, I'm pretty sure she makes my heart grow 3 sizes bigger each time she smiles at me.
However you celebrate, whether it is Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, I hope they find you doing well emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
My name is Marcus and these are my ongoing observations around being single, trying to be a good father, grandfather, and mastering the perfect 8 iron from 130 yards. I'm still looking for love and hoping I don't find it in all the wrong places but beggers can't be choosers, as they say.
Tonight's musical suggestion is "Christmas Wrapping" from The Waitresses. It is a cute little song about, well you can guess that from the song title lol
I'd love to hear back from you with any questions, thoughts, or possible blog topics you'd like to see me cover in the new year. You can reach me at
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