April 28/21
Yesterday I received a text message from someone I worked with asking if I had heard that one of our coworkers had passed away over the weekend and it caught me completely off-guard.
I worked with them at a job that was four positions in the past but one I'd spent almost 8 years at in a variety of different positions. I started out as a financial analyst, moved to a senior financial analyst, acted as the interim controller on two separate occasions, and spent a few months as the interim chief financial officer during these 8 years so I interacted with pretty much every employee in the company at one time or another.
One of my favourite people was Robert, he was our VP of Operations and always had time for me when I had questions, comments, or just need to shoot the shit about things. I found out a few years ago that he actually told the president that it was stupid that I was only ever the interim controller and he should have just given me the position permanently as I was the best they'd ever had in that role.
What is kind of funny was that I never even knew he thought that highly of me during my time there.
Robert was a pretty nice guy and I have to say that the news of his passing has rattled me more than I thought it might as I have nothing but fond memories of sitting in his office and listening to him explain how our customer service, implementation, and technical groups worked to support our software development and sales.
Over the course of my career, I've crossed paths with more people than I can count or even remember but Robert was one of the good ones.
Rest in Peace my friend and I hope you get to spend countless hours tinkering with the engine on one of the many cars you had tucked away in your garage.
My name is Marcus and people come into our lives for a variety of reasons, some we know and some we don't, Robert came into mine and helped me develop a sense of confidence in dealing with others.