Saturday, April 3, 2021

Wasn't My Story to Tell

 Saturday, April 03/21

So I've been sitting on something the past couple of months that I really wanted to talk about but it wasn't my story to tell at the time.

Now it's my story to share......

I am happy to share the news that another baby will be joining the clan come this August when my son and his girlfriend will welcome baby boy Maximino Atlas to the world.

We learned the gender of the baby last weekend and it was kind of funny to see those who thought it would be a boy outnumbered those who were hoping for a girl almost 5 to 1. Both my son and his girlfriend were hoping for a boy and this grandpa, well I'm always just hoping for healthy and happy when it comes to my kids and grandkids.

There is a tradition in the family that girls have a specific middle that starts with the letter J, there are 7 generations of women who now carry that middle name, and boys have a middle name that starts with the letter A, not locked to one A name but that middle name just begins with A. My son pointed out that our future arrival has my exact initials and he thought that was kind of cool.

I was shocked when he shared the news of the pregnancy and think he was worried to tell me for fear I might be mad or disappointed in him in some way.

I'll admit that becoming a father at 22 wasn't how I saw his family life starting but I also know he's going to be a great father and they'll have a village behind them as they enter this new phase of life.

The families blended well together at the gender reveal that his sister set up and hosted for the couple last weekend. Pretty sure my daughter is as excited at becoming an aunt as her brother is at becoming a father and I've already warned her I'm not fighting her for time with the baby as she has her own, she laughed at that but I'm sure she thinks she's going to get first dibs, silly daughter lol

I'm working on another post about the actual gender reveal and a couple of things that happened that left me a little misty-eyed that didn't even revolve around Maximino, so stay tuned over the next few days for that post.

Sadly, as I gain a new grandchild I'll be losing a son as he'll be moving into his girlfriend's parent's place to be her and the baby when it comes. That is going to take some getting used to on my part as I've really looked forward to those weeks he's with me and now I'm going to be an empty nester full time come the end of this summer.

My name is Marcus and I can't wait to meet my next grandchild, but in the meantime, I guess I'll be cruising Babies-R-Us and working on my golf game.

I think today's musical suggestion will come from deep within my library in the form of Orangutan Gang by Shadowfax. They were a cutting-edge new-age jazz fusion group that gained some traction in the mid 80's. YouTube or Google them and let me know what you think of them.

Questions or comments are always welcome, even the not-so-nice ones, at

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