Sunday, May 9, 2021

I'm Getting A Puppy And Need Some Help

 Sunday, May 09/21

So as many of you know from previous blogs I used to have a female Schnoodle named Moki that we had to let go of in September 2019 after she developed lymphoma and made it almost 6 months longer than they thought possible.

Her loss hit me really hard and I wasn't sure I could ever entertain the thought of getting another dog as it just felt like I would be dishonouring the love and affection Moki brought into my life for almost nine wonderful years. My kids both told me to never say never and that Moki wouldn't want me to go through life without another pupper in it so I've tried to keep an open mind the last few months.

Over time I've come to realize that my heart is big enough to have love for another puppy and the time was right to begin thinking about it again.

I've been researching puppies the last few months but the prices people are asking and getting just blow my mind, I know we are in a pandemic but it honestly feels like some folks are taking advantage of things and boosting prices to obscene amounts.

I had resigned myself to waiting until things calm down a bit when I was told by my son's girlfriend that her aunt's Shi Tzu was pregnant with a litter that would be due around early May and she was asking for one for me.

Lily, the aunt's dog, had a litter of 7 puppies last weekend and all of them are females!

When I was looking to get a new puppy I had been leaning towards a boy and had two names picked out to choose from Kashe and Giggsy.

Now my dilemma is that I don't really have any female names picked out, though I have come up with two this weekend that I'm considering, Miko and Nolly.

The puppy I am tentatively getting will be a brown female so I'm opening up the blog to name suggestions and would love some help from my followers.

So what say you?

Send suggestions to ooasm2018@gmail. com and I promise to post an entry with a list of all the names submitted and we can debate the pros and cons of each, though the final selection will be mine and mine alone to make, given I've never gotten to do so in the past, my ex or my son named the last couple of dogs I've had in my life.

Thank you in advance for the help :-)


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