Wednesday, April 16, 2014

15 years ago today.....

April 16/14

Fifteen years ago today at exactly 2:11 a.m. my son made his arrival into the world and life has never been the same since.

Between his sister and him my life has been one immeasurable roller coaster ride filled with far more screams of joy than anything else. That's not to say there haven't been any low points but watching him grow into the young man he is fast becoming far outweighs any bad days.

I've been so lucky with my children in that they are both extremely athletic, bright, outgoing, and compassionate individuals. Each has their own jes nes se qua about themselves that makes them fun to be around.

Today is one of those days where it could be pouring freezing rain on my head as I walked down the street and I'd still have a goofy grin on my face just because my life is so freaking better from having seen him come into the world and all the things we've done and talked about over the last 15 years.

Next month has another one of those days when I celebrate the birth of the little princess who was the first to change my life and show me what it means to unconditionally love someone.

Sometimes life can get you down but when that happens I think of my kids and how much they've influenced me for the better as they've grown up and let me partake in the ride :)

Happy Birthday Jacoby and may you enjoy today as much as I've enjoyed the last fifteen years!!

Marcus or as I'm known to two special people....Dad

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