Wednesday, April 09/14
Today's musical suggestion is the Arkells "Never Thought That This Would Happen"
So the Ides of March has passed by and here I sit waiting for the arrival of Spring and all the activities it will afford me away from the house.
I work in corporate finance so most of my days revolve around numbers in one form or another. They might involve headcount for various departments, measuring customer churn or retention, the shift in market share for any of the various channels we sell into, the provision for new capital expenditures, and for at least a few days at the start of each month I do stuff that lets our corporate overlords know if we were profitable or not.
Today as I was calculating commissions it dawned on me just how much numbers play a role in my life and then I paused and realized I see references to numbers all over the place, whether intended or not.
I track statistics for both my kids soccer teams in order to make sure things stay balanced, I track my rounds of golf to see if one particular hole at a course is my usual downfall as I strive to break 80, and I keep running stats on my son's health and now even for Moki the Wonder Puppy.
Before logging on to the blog I checked a new message on a dating website and than the profile of the woman who had sent it and lo and behold there were numbers on her profile, some that she said were important to her and any potential date absolutely had to meet else it was a no go.
So I've come up with my own set of important numbers, important to me for any number of reasons, and thought I'd share them with you, but here is the catch, and you know there is always a catch when it comes to this blog, the list is just that, a list of numbers and not why they are important to me, that little piece of information comes either tomorrow or Friday :)
5 9
An interesting set of numbers if I do say so myself.
What numbers hold importance to you?
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