January 15, 2015
So 2014 has come and gone and now we are at the start of a new year. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and were able to enjoy time spent with family, friends, and loved ones.
For the first time in many years I did not spend part of Christmas Eve/Day alone as I was fortunate enough to meet someone back in the fall and we've had that hard to understand click occur between us.
Now it is still early days so I'm doing my best not to get over excited or rush things as we all know what usually happens at that point, disappointment and some heartache.
No matter what develops with this relationship I am going to come away a winner. I win if it lasts and becomes that which I have blogged about and if it doesn't, well I'm still a winner as it has shown me that finding someone is possible no matter how long you've been single.
Oddly enough what transpired is exactly what I was told would happen by more than one person. I had stopped trying to meet people and had sort of just resigned myself to possibly being single when out of the blue I was sent a message on a dating site that caught my attention and soon lunch followed that has led me to the point where I no longer consider myself on the market, so to speak :)
Trust me, love is out there and sometimes it just takes a lot of efforts and patience before it finally comes to your door and kicks it in, this from years of experience, and probably not something anyone would or should want to brag about.
I'm going to keep blogging but more than likely not about dating as that area is off limits to public consumption out of respect for my partner and myself. As the saying goes, a gentleman never tells and I do consider myself a gentleman.
I look forward to resuming the blog and hope you find the future posts if not entertaining at least thought provoking.
P.S. I do enjoy the feedback and was sent one message telling me that in 2013 I posted over 100 entries and last year that number dropped to only 14 posts. There is no rhyme nor reason for the fall off other than sometimes the topic was there bouncing around that empty space for let they call my cranium and yet the motivation to put said thoughts to words was sorely lacking. I'll try and do better, scouts honour!
Well congratulations on the relationship hope all goes well.