Sunday, January 11, 2015

Charlie Hedbo

When did religion become the cause of death?

When did religion become the focal point of one person taking up arms to quench the rights of another to an opinion?

I know that my own religion, Roman Catholicism, is fraught with examples of it being used to foment violence against others, even death and torture, but I'd like to think we moved past that stage....oh lets say at the time of the great crusades.

Have we not evolved enough as a species that seeing one man criticize something we believe in doesn't lead us to take up arms but rather use our voices to have a debate, whether it be in quiet one on one or loudly in a group setting.

I weep for the lives lost in Paris last week and the families that won't see a father or mother come home tonight, a son or daughter every again.

I weep for the stringent security measures this will cause in the coming weeks and months as France, nay I dare say all of Europe, struggles with these horrific actions and how to cope with the potential for more such acts.

But mostly I weep for the human race as we can't seem to overcome the most base instinct to strike out and physically hurt someone who has offended us in some way.

There are those who will condemn Islam for these acts but let me remind you that the actions of a few don't reflect the thoughts of the many.

I am Charlie Hedbo and my pen shall prove stronger than the sword time immemorial........

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