Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Today was my birthday

Wednesday, August 31/16

So today was my 54th birthday and it was pretty damn awesome.

I spent my morning getting new plates and tags for my car as the old plates were peeling right off the metal and the tags would expire at midnight tonight.

Followed that up with the best round of golf that I've ever played, maybe a gift from the golf Gods on this special day. A wicked 85 on the Lake/Canyon courses at Pakenham that could easily have been an 83 or lower had I not managed to sail one into the pond on Canyon's 4th hole. Still pretty damn good and has me feeling like I'm walking on cloud nine right now.

The day ended with dinner at my daughters for some butter chicken over steamed rice with a Caesar salad and a very nice cheesecake with fruit toppings. We followed that up with movie night where we sent to see "Don't Breathe" and I think I aged another year with some of the jumping I did on certain scenes lol

My son got me a wonderful picture frame with a clock and pen holder on it for my desk. The picture inside is of the two of us at last weekends soccer tournament so you know there were some tears I was fighting back. I also got some movie gift cards, iTunes gift card, and a movie quiz book that makes you piece together pictures to try and figure out the movie that is very cool and harder than you'd think.

All day long I was getting Facebook messages from friends wishing me a happy birthday.

The say you can measure a person's worth by the company they keep and if that's true than I'm doing quite well as I have far more friends than I ever realized :-)

I turned 54 today but I don't feel my age at all, and some would say I hardly ever act it either, not sure that is meant to be the compliment I take it as but that's life.

I don't thin I've ever felt my real age and I embrace that with a gusto as I really do feel like I'm just hitting my stride and am better than I've ever been. Sure there are some things I don't do quite as well as when I was younger, and no I'm not referring to that particular thing so lets keep our minds out of the gutter for the moment ok, and there are things I do much better now at 54 than I ever did at 27, and yes this time I might be referring to certain things that could be considered gutter worthy but its my birthday so I get to take certain liberties as the birthday boy.

The one thing I am is much more patient with my life and everything going on around me. I'm more empathetic to those less fortunate than myself and have tried my best to instill that in my children as well, to show them that it is the right thing to do to help those not as gifted as ourselves.

Today I turned 54 and it feels like I've just hit the mid point and I'm looking forward to what the next half century brings my way :)


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