Sunday, August 14, 2016

Two things that count as a strike for me

Sunday, August 14/16

I've been thinking about what makes me take a pass on a dating profile when I'm actually on a site and two come to mind right off the bat.

Before I say what these are let me start off by saying we all have choices to make in life and I try really hard to have an open mind when dealing with people, now having said that there is really no middle ground for me when it comes to these two things.........

I am a non practicing Roman Catholic. I believe in God but take the position that he, call me sexist if you will but when I think of my Deity I think in terms of a male gender, might be a tad bit too busy to worry about me hour by hour, least that is my hope as it is a very large universe out there and I'm not convinced we have it all to ourselves.

So though I might not attend church on a regular basis it does not mean I have forsaken my belief nor am I willing to even consider that there is not a higher power. That means for me that it is not even within the realms of possibility that I could ever date an Atheist. There are no if, ands, or buts about this one. But here is the wrinkle in the belief, and there is almost always a wrinkle where I am concerned, I could entertain the possibility of dating an Agnostic. Why you ask? They don't believe in or not believe in a higher power and take the stance of "show me the proof of said existence"

Now I'm not looking at these women as a challenge as I don't think it my obligation to either prove or disprove their beliefs, I look at them as having an open mind and that is something I find extremely attractive in a potential partner. They are willing to listen to the arguments for and against and reach a conclusion on their own. For the most part they haven't been given ample enough evidence to make a sound and lasting decision. That is cool with me.

As a person who thinks himself somewhat educated and logical, I somehow managed to trick one college, and two universities into bestowing upon myself multiple degrees, and cannot fathom the stance that someone can take that there is no higher power. I get and follow the big bang theory, the evolution of man from primordial swamp to reaching for the stars, and Darwin's Theory of Evolution quite well. I also think someone had to put that initial component of matter into play that was the start of everything.

So what is the other thing that makes me take a pass on a profile?

This one is easier and totally a personal preference.

Facial piercings. Well other than those lovely auditory lobes we call the ears.

I don't understand the attraction of nose studs, nose rings, eye piercings, lips piercings, or any other such items. I'm not one to say they are horrible or should be banned, but for me they are a huge turnoff and nothing I would ever enjoy seeing on my partner.

Now before you ask and trust me one of you will ask me via an email, I have been with someone who had other piercings in places not normally exposed to the light of day. I'm neither for or against those kind of piercings and thing my take on them rests on the premise that they are private and shared at the consent of both parties.

I'd say my only hesitation would come from knowing that someone else, hopefully a female, was the installer of said piercing and thus was entitled to viewing a part of her body that I would like to think is my private domain, or could become mine over time lol.

Yes, I agree that is rather sexist and elitist of me, but I am who I am when it comes to my feelings towards my partner.

So when I am online and take the time to look at some profiles I determine whether to continue in this order: smile, religion, and if I can see any visible facial piercings.

I don't care what the religion is or if they list Agnostic, I'm down to possibly chat. Atheist? Have a good day and I'm moving on.

I'm sure there are things on my own profile that might make women take a pass, I am still single after all so there is some validity to that statement, and I am perfectly fine with that as I'm not perfect nor do I seek perfection. No, rather it could be said that I am seeking the one who is imperfectly perfect for me.

What is you take on this? I'd love to know.


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