Tuesday, October 18/16
It's funny how life has a way of reminding you of both the good and bad times you've experienced....
So last Thursday I left work early in order to go and play some golf and on the way up highway 7 to Pakenham I started to change lanes in order to pass a white delivery van but didn't really think much of it until I was directly along side it and than just had to smile at the business name.
Ulrich's on Main. A combination little bistro and food emporium that I was introduced to last year when visiting C on one of my many weekends up in the valley. A quaint little place and one of many that seem to populate Pembroke and make exploring new places worthwhile.
The second smile came Saturday when I was sitting on the couch watching the Blue Jay's in game two of the ALCS and my phone buzzed saying I had a Facebook message. I opened up my phone to see who it was from and ended up on the screen showing all conversations, don't get too excited as there were only 3 of them as I'm not a huge FB messenger kind of guy.
The message was from a friend I hadn't talked to in quite some time and she was asking how I was doing and what was new with me. We chatted for a bit and got all caught up with one another for now and as I signed off I noticed an older conversation that I had forgotten to delete from last year.
I had sent congratulations to C's son has he had secured early admission to university and I was pretty sure both of his parents were over the moon with happiness.
I opened the conversation to see how I go about deleting it and noticed his current status had been updated and as I read it I felt this huge smile on my face as it seems he his following in his parents footsteps in his choice of university and career. His road will be hard and full of obstacles but if there is one thing I've come to realize it is that that young man has an inner drive that will be more than ample to see him through to the end. Given how successful his mother has been I can only imagine how far he'll push that bar himself. Being a legacy is never easy but I'm confident his only limitations will be those he accepts and I don't see many of those. Go forth and conquer A for the world is your playground.
It's sort of funny how both those reminders somehow had C at the center and yet both made me smile without any hesitation or regret. I'm am truly a better man for my time with her and it has taken me a little while to understand the benefits from our relationship far outweigh the hurt I had to endure.
I once wrote that love means accepting the hurt as well as the joy and if you can understand that simple truth that everything else will fall into place over time.
My time is now and I'm continuing my journey through life. It has been interesting to say the least and I wonder at times what my future holds but in the end the only way to know is to get out there and live that life the best you can........
My name is Marcus and these are my journeys. Care to come along for the ride, it might not be all fun and games but I don't think you'll be too bored :-)
Oh snap! Almost forgot to give you today's musical suggestion. Lets go with Work Shoes by USS
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