Thursday, July 27/17
Upon further review I find myself
wanting as a boyfriend.
Not the easiest thing for one to think
about themselves let alone acknowledge out loud or in print, but still the
truth nonetheless. Sometimes these self-declared statements hit closer to the
bone than anything another person can say about you, maybe because you can’t
argue against your own conclusions as easily as you can against those made by
someone else, maybe you can but if you are honest with yourself you won’t waste
the time trying.
So what has led me to this conclusion
you ask?
I try and self-reflect about my life, my
actions, and the end results every now and again.
The past few days has seen me looking
inside myself a little more than usual as I’ve been thinking about the whole
relationship conundrum I seem to find myself battling the last few months.
The conundrum is that I want to be in a
relationship but hate the whole initial dating process so much that I don’t even
respond to the majority of messages sent my way, think along the lines of reading
and deleting around 95% of all messages I receive. Probably not the kind of
statistics I should be striving for if I
really don’t want to be that old guy who grows old all alone, which is kind of
where I seem to be heading these days.
When my marriage ended I spent almost a
year dealing with it under the guidance of a therapist and figured out where I
went wrong, vowing to never do that again and mostly being successful in
keeping my vow.
One thing I learned was that I didn’t
communicate my thoughts, feelings, and desires anywhere as clearly as I thought
and even though I felt them inside of me by not letting them out I came across
as someone who had lost interest in his partner, took her for granted, and
didn’t show her enough that she mattered to me, that she made me feel like a
human being, and that I savored that feeling.
So when I started to date C I tried
really hard to be more open with my feelings, to let her know where I saw
things between us, hoping she would have no doubt as to my being in the
But when I think back about some of the
non-verbal cues I was sending her it’s not hard to see why things failed
between us.
One can think they are using verbal
skills to express one’s own self but it is the non-verbal communications that
really stand out more than anything in giving someone a view into your
Most of this has come to me over the
last days as I’ve been doing just some ordinary day to day activities that
provided me some moments to reflect upon my past actions. You might be
surprised to learn that a good number of the blog entries have come to me while
taking Moki for a walk in the park in the morning or at the end of the
day. This same act was done with C
whenever we were visiting one another and every time I am doing it I think back
about our chats while commenting on the wonder puppy.
So what leads me to think that I should
consider myself to be wanting as a boyfriend?
A couple of key things come to mind that
make me cringe when I think back about them.
When we did the house hunting trip up in
the valley back in April 2015 I made a comment about hoping there were good
golf courses in the area so I’d have things to do when I came up for visits.
I know, even writing that makes me think
of myself as a complete ass bag. But wait it gets better, I also made some
comment about hoping the cable TV package she got would have the Golf Channel
on it so I’d have something to do in the winter months when I couldn’t golf.
Don’t worry about thinking poorly of me for
those two statements as I totally deserve it and have probably called myself
worse names than you are thinking of right now.
Those are bad enough but when you take
into account that literally almost every Saturday I was there I would get out
of bed at 6am to go and play golf, leaving her behind, when I should have
remembered that she was my partner and we only got to see one another every
other weekend most of the time.
It’s not like staying in bed would have
been bad as spooning is one of my favourite things, and spooning isn’t some
kind of sexual innuendo for having sex, though in my experience it does tend to
lead to some hot mutually beneficial action more often than not.
Hindsight is a wonderful gift and one I
wish was available to us long before the moment it actually becomes required.
I’m hoping that I can take my
experiences from these last two relationships and improve upon my worthiness as
boyfriend material as I really don’t want to end up alone for the rest of my
Now I’ve just got to convince myself to
step out of my comfort zone and actually initiate a few conversations in order
to see what could develop. Easier said
than done but I’m bound and determined to make it happen.
My name is Marcus and being found wanting doesn't mean you have to remain that way.
Today's musical suggestion is "Roll Up" by Fitz & the Tantrums. Quirky little song with a nice beat.