Wednesday, July 12/17
So there I was this morning minding my own business as I was slowly making my way to work on the 417 headed down to the Glebe.
Traffic wasn't horrible but it wasn't exactly zipping along with any great speed either. I was doing my usual thing listening to the morning show on The New Hot 89.9 and cheering on Rush in the Crush Rush segment as I'm a Rush Head Nation fan. I sort of people watch when driving to work as I like to see if anyone else is smiling or laughing like myself as I hear something funny on the radio.
Today was like every other day in that I was watching the cars ahead of me, checking my rear view mirror to see how close the car behind me was to my bumper and mentally thinking to myself someone that close to my backside should actually buy me a drink at least before getting so darn close.
As I neared the Carling Avenue exit I looked to my right to see an attractive woman in a car passing me, I noticed her short hair and it made me smile, kind of my own private kryptonite, and than moved my eyes back forward just in case traffic slowed down. I'd say about 2 seconds passed when I did the double take as she looked really familiar but her car was already slightly ahead of me as traffic continued to pick up speed having passed the normal bottle necks.
I thought about it and decided it was worth another look and sped up a bit and changed lanes so I could pass on her right, which also put me in good position to take my own exit at Bank Street, and sure enough I was pretty certain I was looking at C. I didn't slow down and try to make eye contact as that would have been kind of weird and very distracting to say the least.
I smiled as I exited down the off ramp and wondered where she had been coming from since it was obvious she had come from somewhere in the west end and was headed downtown to her old building.
As I drove down Bank Street I started to think that maybe I saw was what I wanted to see and in reality the woman I noticed had a resemblance to C but wasn't her as her next position is down in Washington D.C. and I'm sure she would want to get down there and get her living arrangements settled as soon as possible. She'll have much better pickings there than she did up in the valley but will also probably be shocked by the cost of those lodgings, might just cut into her wine funds, who am I kidding, my girl would slash other expenses before she gave up on her wine :)
I haven't mentioned this little potential encounter, hell I'm not even sure the woman noticed me at all, as I can't figure out how to tell my friends or family without sounding a bit on the wacky side but thought what better way to get it off my chest than to share with you my faithful audience.
Have you ever come across someone who was a dead ringer for someone you know but it wasn't them at all? I'm not sure if that was C or her Doppelganger but for a few minutes there my heart kicked up a few beats and I smiled one of those smiles that makes you feel more alive.
My name is Marcus and life offers us some unique opportunities to remake ourselves into something better, this might be happening to me these days as I'm contemplating some serious changes in my life and while they might be kind of scary, they might also offer me some inner peace and get me back to where I was in the middle of 2015, feeling more calm, in control, and accepting of my life's direction.
Today's musical suggestion comes from London Grammar......."Oh Woman Oh Man" Interesting lyrics and some kick ass temp to go along and her rich and so enthralling......take me away and let me float to your words
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