Monday, September 4, 2017

Double 5's

Monday, September 04/17

So last Thursday was one of those momentous birthday's we all have at one point or another.

Now I've already hit several of these along the way like my 18th and getting to vote, my 21st and getting to legally buy alcohol, my 30th, my 40th, my 45th though for the life of me I can't really understand why that one is such a milestone, my 50th, and now the big 55.

I don't really feel all that much different now than I did before, and I know it is sort of a cliché that you are only as old as you feel but I'm still feeling a hell of lot younger than 55.

Yes, my back gets sore a lot sooner these days after playing golf 2-3 days in a row and my vision isn't what it used to be but other than that I'm not feeling all that old.

Not sure why that is the case but I'm not going to complain one little bit.

I played a round at The Marshes, my new favourite course, and was matched up a father & son that couldn't have worked out better if the golf God's had intervened themselves.

They were from Guelph and had driven up to get the son settled at university, the exact same one my own son will be starting tomorrow, so I was able to talk to them about what the first year will be like for him. Turns out the son is a 5th year in the business school and a member of the golf team, it showed during his play as he was 2 under for his round in a some pretty fierce winds.

I really enjoyed listening to them tease each other, the banter about target lines and club selections, and just came away from my round feeling pretty damn good. It was like getting an extra birthday gift :)

Golf was followed up with a visit to see my grandson who spent the next 2 hours using my hands as leverage to get up and walk around the house and Toys-R-Us. My daughter joked that it was my birthday but baby Jack was the one getting presents from grandpa.

My son and I met the daughter, fiancé, and grandson for dinner at La Cucina, somewhere I'd meant to try a couple of years ago but didn't get the chance due to unforeseen circumstances, and not only was the food superb but the staff went out of their way to accommodate us and make Jack comfortable, something that sticks with me and makes me have no hesitation about recommending them to anyone and everyone I come across.

My future son-in-law ordered some shots and was trying to get me a little blitzed. My son was a tad upset as he had to be the designated driver for pops but we reminded him he'll get his turn in January when we're down in Mexico for the wedding :).

The night ended with me and the son watching the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol2 Blu Ray he got me for my birthday. He also got me a gift card to Golf Town that I used on Sunday to buy a very nice Under Armour pull over that I wore playing golf today.

I got lots of birthday wishes on Facebook from friends and a really nice message from my ex that reminded me once again what a good person she is and how much of a positive impact she'd had in my life.

I would have loved to end the night with a text from a partner but we can't get everything we want right? Maybe next year that one will come true, fingers crossed.

My name is Marcus and at 55 I'm starting to wonder if I need to change my tag line and begin to accept that I might not have a perfectly imperfect mate out there waiting to bump into me........

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