Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Not One But Two Chance Encounters

Wednesday, September 13/17

So a few weekends past I had the weirdest thing happen to me and wonder if any of you can relate.

I was shopping at Loblaws and at the meat counter getting some fresh cut lunch meats as my son likes to make himself a sandwich when he gets home from classes and I'm partial to fresh lunch meat over the packaged stuff.

After placing my order I was just standing there minding my own business when someone crashed into my shopping cart making me turn around to see who could possibly be o blind as to miss me standing there and I saw a young lad trying to pull back on the cart, a look of pure terror on his face, and then his mom walked up and started to apologize to me while looking down at her son.

I sort of laughed and asked her "How have you been?"

Hearing my voice made her look up at me and smile as she recognized me.

"I'm doing good, just getting some stuff for Evan's birthday party this afternoon" and looked at her son and gently pulled him close.

He asked her who I was and I waited to see what she would say but I think the question flustered her so I took pity and responded for her saying "I know your mom from work, happy birthday"

The deli clerk told me my order was ready so I reached back and placed it in my cart before looking over at Susan and smiled as she mouthed "thank you" to me and we went our separate ways to finish what we were doing.  We crossed paths a few times and each time her son would exclaim "Mommy, there's the man from your work" and we'd laugh.

I finished up and was loading the bags into my car when my cell beeped that I had a new message.

"Marcus, it was so nice to see you, totally caught me off guard, wanted to talk more but you know how little boys get when shopping, let's do drinks ok and catch up?"

"Susan, you were a sight for sore eyes, hope the party is a success, sure you're spoiling Evan"

I met Susan last year in the spring and we hit it off but there were some red flags for me as she developed some serious trust issues from her last boyfriend that sort of clouded how she saw men in her life and made me more than a bit wary of trying to help her deal with them. She is quite successful in life and had her son a little later than she wanted, having gone through several years of procedures before finally going the sperm donor route when she realized her boyfriend wanted no part of kids. Things go so tense between them that he had legal documents drawn up stating that he was not the biological father and had no parental or financial responsibility for any child born to her.

Sounded like a real winner when she told me the story and made me feel kind of bad as being a parent has to be the coolest thing I've ever done, but he was a bit older than Susan and had already done the whole parent thing. When they eventually broke up he went after her for some of the equity in her house, even though he never lived with her or made any contributions towards it's upkeep. Just a money grab plain and simple, but made her question every man's motive that she ended up seeing.

The combination of dealing with my lingering feelings for she who shall remain nameless and Susan's own issues sort of doomed things for us, but I did enjoy our dates and thought that at another time we might have ended up with more but as in real estate so in love does timing matter, unfortunately ours just wasn't in sync at that time.

As I was driving home I stopped to fill the car up with gas for the weekend and literally walked right past a woman who did a double take and than grabbed my arm before hugging me and asking what the hell was up with me.

I laughed at the karma that had brought me into contact with yet someone else I'd briefly dated, well not really dated but met a few times for drinks as we knew the first time we'd met that we weren't really a match for one another but still liked the company of the other person. The funny thing is that about a year after I first met Liz we were sitting in a room at the Kanata Recreation Centre listening to our sons hockey coach outline his plans for the atom team both our sons had been placed on.

Over the course of the next few years we've been parents on a couple of teams and I actually become sort of friends with her ex, though neither of us ever told our respective ex's that we had ever tried dating. Our son's ended up at the same high school and have made a couple of runs to Gatineau to go clubbing with other friends, making it likely we'll be seeing each other a few more times over the next year or so.

I've seen more than a few people I've crossed paths with from dating sights when out and about doing daily activities but never run into two different women that I've dated in the same week let alone the same day. what are the odds?

When I got home my son commented on my good mood and I laughed as I handed him stuff to start putting away and said sometimes karma happens for all the right reasons and makes things interesting. I think he wanted to explore that comment a bit more but he got a call from his sister and was sidetracked, forgetting all about it, luckily for me as I don't think I wanted to admit to having dated one of his friends mom's......somethings are best left unsaid don't you think?

My name is Marcus and I'm taking it one day at a time as I try to be the best father, friend, and person possible as I keep my eyes open for the possibility of meeting the one imperfectly perfect woman for me.

Today's musical recommendation is "Find Me" by Kings of Leon

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