Friday, October 6, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving From Canada

Friday, October 06/17

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Yes, you read that correctly as we celebrate Thanksgiving this Monday and I wanted to get out front and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving from Canada :)

Not really going to add anything other than to say I hope everyone has a good weekend and enjoys time well spent with family and friends.

I'm debating what to cook on Sunday, the day most people actually prepare Thanksgiving dinner, as I've got my son with me starting tonight. Last year we ended up at his mom's for family dinner and from the sounds of things there is a little tension between my ex and her sister/nephew that has the kids sort of wanting a low key dinner, hence my trying to determine if I go with the old standby ham or try my luck with a turkey.

I've only cooked a turkey once and to be fair I had a lot of help from C so that helped it turn out perfect :-)  A nice memory for this holiday.

I'll leave you with this and maybe come back and post something else later this long weekend, no promises.....
Image result for thanksgiving canada


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