Wednesday, August 22/18
So I was looking at the statistics for the blog earlier tonight and have to admit to being a little bit impressed with it.
I've got 521 entries posted over a 5 year span, or an entry every 3.5 days. That's a better rate than I actually imagined I was generating. Granted, some of those days saw multiple posts and there were long stretches where I didn't even look at the blog, but still, you've got to give me some props for hitting the +500 mark for a blog that isn't designed to make me any money :-)
The other fact that still amazes me is the number of countries in which people have read an entry from the blog. Still leading the way are Canada and the United States, but pushing hard for recognition are England, Australia, Russia, and Germany.
I've got 9 entries in draft mode that may or may not see the light of day anytime soon, really sort of depends on my mood and how I think they'll be perceived.
I'll admit there have been times I wish this was all I did and other times I wish I'd never written the first entry, it's been both a boon and a curse at different times in my life.
In many ways I view the blog like I do dating......a necessary evil in order to retain the last shreds of my sanity and possibly not end up alone in my old age.
So come October I'll have a nice glass of Pinot Grigio to celebrate five years online baring my soul, the joys and tears of dating in today's age of online instant buffet satisfaction, and maybe be a bit closer to meeting my one........or no closer than I was yesterday....guess time will tell
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
A Couple Of Thoughts On The Dance We Call Dating..........
Wednesday, August 22/18
So I've been sort of busy the last little while and as a consequence kind of neglecting the blog.
To make amends for this egregious behavior please enjoy the snippets below and know I've got a couple of new entries nearing completion :)
"I'm just not looking for anything serious right now" - a woman who's about to start a long term relationship....with someone else.
"Let's definitely still be friends, though, okay?" - a woman you will never hear from again.
"You're so paranoid, babe. It's just my roommate" - a woman who is definitely texting guys she met on the Internet during your dinner date.
"I really need to work on myself" - a woman who thinks you should probably work on yourself.
"I'm, like totally cool with the casual thing" - a woman who's been planning her wedding day since she was six years old.
"I'm absolutely not a fuck boy" - A Fuck Boy.
"Don't you think monogamy is such an antiquated concept" - a man who will cheat on you as soon as the honeymoon stage ends.
"Eight rock hard inches" - An exaggerator.
"Maybe someday, when the timing is better" - a woman who could not be less interested in ever seeing you again.
"No, nice guys don't always finish last" A girl who has never dated a nice guy in her entire adult life.
"I need some space" - A guy who is too nice to tell you he hates the way you chew.
"He's really.....funny" - A girl who thinks you're cute, but not cute enough to date.
"You Never Said We Were Exclusive" - a guy with multiple side-chicks.
"What biological clock? I don't want babies until I'm thirty five" a twenty-nine-year-old single woman trying desperately not to freak out her date.
"I can't feel anything when I use one of those" - A pull out method advocate.
"Do you believe in soul mates?" - A man who will undoubtedly get in your pants before the night is over.
"I'm not crazy" - A psycho stage-five clinger.
"I love you" - A glutton for punishment.
All of the above are courtesy of "The Monday Girl" by Julie Johnson
My name is Marcus and I'm still reading romance stories on my iPad, AKA the Glutton for Punishment :)
So I've been sort of busy the last little while and as a consequence kind of neglecting the blog.
To make amends for this egregious behavior please enjoy the snippets below and know I've got a couple of new entries nearing completion :)
"I'm just not looking for anything serious right now" - a woman who's about to start a long term relationship....with someone else.
"Let's definitely still be friends, though, okay?" - a woman you will never hear from again.
"You're so paranoid, babe. It's just my roommate" - a woman who is definitely texting guys she met on the Internet during your dinner date.
"I really need to work on myself" - a woman who thinks you should probably work on yourself.
"I'm, like totally cool with the casual thing" - a woman who's been planning her wedding day since she was six years old.
"I'm absolutely not a fuck boy" - A Fuck Boy.
"Don't you think monogamy is such an antiquated concept" - a man who will cheat on you as soon as the honeymoon stage ends.
"Eight rock hard inches" - An exaggerator.
"Maybe someday, when the timing is better" - a woman who could not be less interested in ever seeing you again.
"No, nice guys don't always finish last" A girl who has never dated a nice guy in her entire adult life.
"I need some space" - A guy who is too nice to tell you he hates the way you chew.
"He's really.....funny" - A girl who thinks you're cute, but not cute enough to date.
"You Never Said We Were Exclusive" - a guy with multiple side-chicks.
"What biological clock? I don't want babies until I'm thirty five" a twenty-nine-year-old single woman trying desperately not to freak out her date.
"I can't feel anything when I use one of those" - A pull out method advocate.
"Do you believe in soul mates?" - A man who will undoubtedly get in your pants before the night is over.
"I'm not crazy" - A psycho stage-five clinger.
"I love you" - A glutton for punishment.
All of the above are courtesy of "The Monday Girl" by Julie Johnson
My name is Marcus and I'm still reading romance stories on my iPad, AKA the Glutton for Punishment :)
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Nulli Secundus........A Simple Latin Phrase
Wednesday, August 08/18
Nulli Secundus.........Second to none
I first heard this phrase a few years back and didn't give it the significance it deserved at the time but it's crossed my mind more than a few times and come to have a very special meaning to me.
Honestly, I get so many reminders of that period in my life that I doubt I'll ever not say it to myself at least once a week until the day I take my last breathe.........
Yesterday, today, and all the shall forevermore be Nulli Secundus to me
Update Oct 27/18 - I've received quite a few messages asking who this blog is about and all I'll say is she knows who she is and I hope she understands the message.
Nulli Secundus.........Second to none
I first heard this phrase a few years back and didn't give it the significance it deserved at the time but it's crossed my mind more than a few times and come to have a very special meaning to me.
Honestly, I get so many reminders of that period in my life that I doubt I'll ever not say it to myself at least once a week until the day I take my last breathe.........
Yesterday, today, and all the shall forevermore be Nulli Secundus to me
Update Oct 27/18 - I've received quite a few messages asking who this blog is about and all I'll say is she knows who she is and I hope she understands the message.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Baby Jack's New Game
Sunday, August 05/18
So I was supposed to go over and see my daughter and grandson yesterday while her husband was working but plans got derailed when Jack fought against taking his nap and they ended up getting invited to go to a friends house for some swimming, I was told I could come over later but I had a tee time booked with a friend for the afternoon so we made plans for me to come visit this morning.
When I got there my daughter and son-in-law were in the front yard moving some plants around and Jack was walking around giving them directions. The coolest thing happened as I pulled up and got out of the car, Jack saw me and started yelling and laughing, grabbed his mom's arm and pointed at me. He's been doing stuff like this more and more and I have to admit, he steals more of my heart each time he flashes his smile at me.
When I walked up to them he reached out for to me pick him up, which I did while also planting a smooch on his cheeks, making him laugh and hiding his face in my neck.
He wanted down and when I put him down he grabbed my hand and made me follow him into the garage where his Audi stroller was parked. he climbed in and pointed at the handle for me to push him around lol
I pushed him back to the front yard and asked my daughter if I could take him down to the park for a bit, she agreed and asked her husband to get him a clean shirt and his hat and sandals. Well when he went to pick Jack up to take him inside to change him, Jack lost his mind and started crying and clutching at my leg. My daughter laughed and my son-in-law smiled as he said it looked like grandpa needed to get him ready.
Once I got him changed we walked down to the park where over the course of the next 45 minutes Jack went on the swing, all three slides, and showed grandpa how good he was at climbing the assorted ladders on both play structures before he started to lose steam and looked a little tired.
We said our goodbyes to the other parents and kids at the park and headed home.
When we got home you could see him fighting falling asleep but his mom wanted him to have a little snack before nap time so off to the kitchen we went to have a bagel.
Now here is where it gets fun as Jack wanted a fruit pouch, this snack that had a little lid and lets one squeeze out the fruit and suck it like a straw.
His mom gave him one with apples and banana's that is his favourite. Now I was sitting on the floor facing the couch talking to my son-in-law about my upcoming days off where I'm going to watch Jack while his regular daycare is on holiday when my daughter sat down next to him and started laughing so hard I thought she might wet herself.
She told me to turn around and look at Jack so I did so, except each time I turned one way he'd move over to stay behind me with this little grin on his face, I tried turning the other way and he turned to match my movement, staying just behind me and out of my view. We did this a few times when he started to lift his fruit pouch as if to squirt some on my back and we all burst out laughing, well I was laughing till the little bugger actually squirted me and started dancing around me.
He tried this a couple of more times as my daughter went to scoop him up in her arms, apologizing to me for the mess but I just smiled and told her not to worry as seeing him laugh and smile was worth anything to me.
Jack shortly hit the energy wall at that point and crashed hard for his nap, but not before giving grandpa a kiss and hug.
I'm watching him on the 15th and 16th and can't wait as I've got some activities planned like the splash pad near my house, Chapters for some new books, and even a Dairy Queen run for a cone.
My name is Marcus and my grandson owns my heart lock, stock, and barrel. I'd love to share all of these special moments with him with my one and maybe it will happen, but until that time I guess I'll be greedy to keep them all to myself :)
Today's musical suggestion is Tropicalia by Beck from his 1998 album Mutations.
So I was supposed to go over and see my daughter and grandson yesterday while her husband was working but plans got derailed when Jack fought against taking his nap and they ended up getting invited to go to a friends house for some swimming, I was told I could come over later but I had a tee time booked with a friend for the afternoon so we made plans for me to come visit this morning.
When I got there my daughter and son-in-law were in the front yard moving some plants around and Jack was walking around giving them directions. The coolest thing happened as I pulled up and got out of the car, Jack saw me and started yelling and laughing, grabbed his mom's arm and pointed at me. He's been doing stuff like this more and more and I have to admit, he steals more of my heart each time he flashes his smile at me.
When I walked up to them he reached out for to me pick him up, which I did while also planting a smooch on his cheeks, making him laugh and hiding his face in my neck.
He wanted down and when I put him down he grabbed my hand and made me follow him into the garage where his Audi stroller was parked. he climbed in and pointed at the handle for me to push him around lol
I pushed him back to the front yard and asked my daughter if I could take him down to the park for a bit, she agreed and asked her husband to get him a clean shirt and his hat and sandals. Well when he went to pick Jack up to take him inside to change him, Jack lost his mind and started crying and clutching at my leg. My daughter laughed and my son-in-law smiled as he said it looked like grandpa needed to get him ready.
Once I got him changed we walked down to the park where over the course of the next 45 minutes Jack went on the swing, all three slides, and showed grandpa how good he was at climbing the assorted ladders on both play structures before he started to lose steam and looked a little tired.
We said our goodbyes to the other parents and kids at the park and headed home.
When we got home you could see him fighting falling asleep but his mom wanted him to have a little snack before nap time so off to the kitchen we went to have a bagel.
Now here is where it gets fun as Jack wanted a fruit pouch, this snack that had a little lid and lets one squeeze out the fruit and suck it like a straw.
His mom gave him one with apples and banana's that is his favourite. Now I was sitting on the floor facing the couch talking to my son-in-law about my upcoming days off where I'm going to watch Jack while his regular daycare is on holiday when my daughter sat down next to him and started laughing so hard I thought she might wet herself.
She told me to turn around and look at Jack so I did so, except each time I turned one way he'd move over to stay behind me with this little grin on his face, I tried turning the other way and he turned to match my movement, staying just behind me and out of my view. We did this a few times when he started to lift his fruit pouch as if to squirt some on my back and we all burst out laughing, well I was laughing till the little bugger actually squirted me and started dancing around me.
He tried this a couple of more times as my daughter went to scoop him up in her arms, apologizing to me for the mess but I just smiled and told her not to worry as seeing him laugh and smile was worth anything to me.
Jack shortly hit the energy wall at that point and crashed hard for his nap, but not before giving grandpa a kiss and hug.
I'm watching him on the 15th and 16th and can't wait as I've got some activities planned like the splash pad near my house, Chapters for some new books, and even a Dairy Queen run for a cone.
My name is Marcus and my grandson owns my heart lock, stock, and barrel. I'd love to share all of these special moments with him with my one and maybe it will happen, but until that time I guess I'll be greedy to keep them all to myself :)
Today's musical suggestion is Tropicalia by Beck from his 1998 album Mutations.
Saturday, August 4, 2018
If You Have A Few Moments & Need A Laugh
Saturday, August 04/18
So I've been doing more reading and YouTubing than anything lately and stumbled across a this series on YouTube that pays homage to the Addams Family......well sort of, more an adult version of everyone's favourite sociopath in training...Wednesday
It is pretty funny, least to this guy, and maybe you'll like it as well so I've attached a link to season one episode one for you:
Marcus the merry blogger
So I've been doing more reading and YouTubing than anything lately and stumbled across a this series on YouTube that pays homage to the Addams Family......well sort of, more an adult version of everyone's favourite sociopath in training...Wednesday
It is pretty funny, least to this guy, and maybe you'll like it as well so I've attached a link to season one episode one for you:
Marcus the merry blogger
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