Thursday, August 23, 2018

Hitting the 5 Year Mark Soon

Wednesday, August 22/18

So I was looking at the statistics for the blog earlier tonight and have to admit to being a little bit impressed with it.

I've got 521 entries posted over a 5 year span, or an entry every 3.5 days. That's a better rate than I actually imagined I was generating. Granted, some of those days saw multiple posts and there were long stretches where I didn't even look at the blog, but still, you've got to give me some props for hitting the +500 mark for a blog that isn't designed to make me any money :-)

The other fact that still amazes me is the number of countries in which people have read an entry from the blog. Still leading the way are Canada and the United States, but pushing hard for recognition are England, Australia, Russia, and Germany.

I've got 9 entries in draft mode that may or may not see the light of day anytime soon, really sort of depends on my mood and how I think they'll be perceived.

I'll admit there have been times I wish this was all I did and other times I wish I'd never written the first entry, it's been both a boon and a curse at different times in my life.

In many ways I view the blog like I do dating......a necessary evil in order to retain the last shreds of my sanity and possibly not end up alone in my old age.

So come October I'll have a nice glass of Pinot Grigio to celebrate five years online baring my soul, the joys and tears of dating in today's age of online instant buffet satisfaction, and maybe be a bit closer to meeting my one........or no closer than I was yesterday....guess time will tell


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