Wednesday, August 22/18
So I've been sort of busy the last little while and as a consequence kind of neglecting the blog.
To make amends for this egregious behavior please enjoy the snippets below and know I've got a couple of new entries nearing completion :)
"I'm just not looking for anything serious right now" - a woman who's about to start a long term relationship....with someone else.
"Let's definitely still be friends, though, okay?" - a woman you will never hear from again.
"You're so paranoid, babe. It's just my roommate" - a woman who is definitely texting guys she met on the Internet during your dinner date.
"I really need to work on myself" - a woman who thinks you should probably work on yourself.
"I'm, like totally cool with the casual thing" - a woman who's been planning her wedding day since she was six years old.
"I'm absolutely not a fuck boy" - A Fuck Boy.
"Don't you think monogamy is such an antiquated concept" - a man who will cheat on you as soon as the honeymoon stage ends.
"Eight rock hard inches" - An exaggerator.
"Maybe someday, when the timing is better" - a woman who could not be less interested in ever seeing you again.
"No, nice guys don't always finish last" A girl who has never dated a nice guy in her entire adult life.
"I need some space" - A guy who is too nice to tell you he hates the way you chew.
"He's really.....funny" - A girl who thinks you're cute, but not cute enough to date.
"You Never Said We Were Exclusive" - a guy with multiple side-chicks.
"What biological clock? I don't want babies until I'm thirty five" a twenty-nine-year-old single woman trying desperately not to freak out her date.
"I can't feel anything when I use one of those" - A pull out method advocate.
"Do you believe in soul mates?" - A man who will undoubtedly get in your pants before the night is over.
"I'm not crazy" - A psycho stage-five clinger.
"I love you" - A glutton for punishment.
All of the above are courtesy of "The Monday Girl" by Julie Johnson
My name is Marcus and I'm still reading romance stories on my iPad, AKA the Glutton for Punishment :)
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