November 7/11
I was watching The Big Bang Theory with my son last week when it struck me that I recognized the actress who plays Penny from another series so I researched her via IMDB.com and sure enough she was one of the daughters from the show “8 Simple Rules” and that got me to thinking about rules for online dating……the following is my take on some simple rules to follow when trying online dating….well my take with help from some others :)
I was watching The Big Bang Theory with my son last week when it struck me that I recognized the actress who plays Penny from another series so I researched her via IMDB.com and sure enough she was one of the daughters from the show “8 Simple Rules” and that got me to thinking about rules for online dating……the following is my take on some simple rules to follow when trying online dating….well my take with help from some others :)
1 – Do post a recent photo, and write an
honest description of yourself. By recent
I mean one taken within the past year….we all change over time and there is
nothing worse than going to meet someone and having the person who greets you
look absolutely nothing like the profile picture they’ve posted. I think the
Fair Trade Commission calls that false advertising lol
2- Don’t assume that any photo is as
up-to-date and accurate as yours. Never underestimate the power of Photoshop
3 - Do learn the lingo of online dating. For instance: he describes
himself as “cuddly.” translation: chubby.
He writes, “I’ve been told I’m very handsome.” translation: by his
4 –
Don’t get taken in by corny, overused come-on
lines like, “Looking to spoil the lady of my dreams with flowers and
candlelit dinners.” And beware of perfect strangers who promise to “snuggle
with you in front of the fireplace” and “enjoy sunset strolls on the beach.”
These guys have one thing on their minds. That’s why they took a course on What
Women Want to Hear 101. Do they still
offer that course at The Learning Annex?
5 – Do brush up on your internet math skills if he sounds too
good to be true: Subtract two inches from his height, increase his weight by 20
lbs, decrease his income by 25%, and add 5 years to his age. This new math is even more critical when you
are older and trying to date as we tend to take people for their word.6 – Don’t choose your dates based on photos. It’s all too easy to scroll through Internet profiles, selecting the Hollywood hunks and bypassing the rest. Remember, real men lose their hair and grow love handles yet if you met them in person, you just might find them charming.
7- Do
move the conversation from email to cell phone. Some people are great writers –
or even have a friend who will help them create an awesome profile. In a phone chat, you’ll get a better sense of
whether your personalities click. Plus you’ll find out if he even has a personality.
Plus being able to chat outside normal work hours can establish if he is really
single and looking to meet someone or just trying to add a notch to his belt
before heading home to the wife.
8 –
Don’t disclose where you live or for that matter, any personal information that
could lead to your address, such as your home phone number, last name, or an
email address that includes your last name. While most men on the Internet are
just as normal as you are, you don’t want Hannibal Lecter ringing your
doorbell, even if he’s carrying a box of Godiva chocolates. And even if they’re
9- Do take things slowly, though the chemistry may be magnetic.
Arrange to meet him in a public place for the first couple of dates. When you
know more about him, he can pick you up and drop you off at home, but don’t
invite him in just yet – even if he pleads that he urgently has to use your
bathroom. A friend fell for that ploy on a first date, and when she offered her
hand as he was leaving, he suddenly French-kissed her, slobbering all over her
face. Yuck!!
10 –
Don’t behave like a kid in a candy store full of online temptations. If you’ve
met a nice, sincere guy, and you’re having a good time dating him, don’t fly to
your computer the second you get home to flirt with a dozen new seductive
suitors. On the Internet, it’s easy to get distracted by the smorgasbord of
smooth-talking guys -- only to lose sight of the one who just might be Mr.
Right. I’ll quote an old marketing
adage…….the customer in front of you is more valuable than the one on the
telephone. Why? He is taking the time to actually get to know you and that says
a lot given how much value we all place on our free time these days.
add the following three rules I’ve been incorporating over the past few
A –
Never date where you work. It doesn’t matter the size of the organization or if
you are in different departments, it can never end well………trust me on this one
B –
Never date a parent from any activity in which your child is participating.
Just picture this….you at the activity, your former spouse there as well, and
now the ex gf/bf there too…can you say awkward?C – Never go on a date that has been set up by your best friends spouse/partner. They don’t know you well enough to fix you up…there is a story here that to this day still makes me cringe…someday I’ll forgive my friend but not anytime soon lol