Friday, April 19, 2013

Men & POF

October 24/11

Today's musical recommendation - Love You Madly by Cake


This wasn't going to be my topic today but a funny thing happened on the way to the keyboard.....I took a few moments to read a few profiles and some comments made me pause and wonder just what the heck were some of my fellow fish thinking...........

"Total babe; let's do a 3-some"
"Wanna web cam?"
"Got any lingerie pictures?"
"Hey Hottie, wanna hook up"

Those were just a few of the comments I read that women had posted saying men had sent them in a message.

I sat there thinking to myself....."Really?, that is what I'm up against every single time I actually get the nerve up to send a message"........I struggle with how to make myself stand apart from the rest of the fish and it turns out most messages are deleted long before they are read because there are men out there who think it is cool to treat a woman like a piece of meat.....makes me wonder just how brave or bold they'd be if they came across the same woman face to face.

It is a sad fact that men are much more visual then women and this medium lets them react to these sights on the spur of the moment without any consequences when they cross the line, and crossing the line is just what these comments do.

Do I blame women for being cautious about meeting anyone from this site? Hell no. I'm a guy and I totally understand as I've gotten some strange messages myself but nothing like the above....

The funny thing is that I've heard the statistics that there are something like between 3-4 women for every single male in the National Capital Region and yet a small, I hope small, portion of these males feels the need to act like they are back in high school and make catcalls by way of a email.....amazing

Another of the comments I read was that it seems like there are a lot of married men using the site to add a notch to their belts.......well there are a few things to consider when trying to determine if the guy you are chatting with via email is really single.....the biggest warning flag should be if he only chats during the hours of 9-5 on weekdays......if he can't chat after work hours or on weekends then odds are that the guy is married or in a relationship and playing on the side......

Not all guys are looking to play around....ok, that isn't fully accurate.....all men are looking to play but the key thing to bear in mind is that some of us prefer this to occur one on one in a monogamous relationship over time.....some of us are looking to meet someone who can make us smile, make us want to text them out of the blue with a smiley face, call just to hear your voice, and make us feel butterflies....yes, men feel them just as much as women do!!!

All I ask is that you try and remember that for every disgusting pig you come across on this site that there are actually a few decent guys out there looking for love.....real love that transcends time

So I'm wondering what kind of lines have been used to get your attention and most importantly, how does a nice guy actually get past the smoke screens being put up by the clown fish on this site........'s topic was going to be things I've never done or will do in a relationship.......maybe later this week :)

As always comments and opinions are welcome but I'll keep following the path less travelled in my own journey :)

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