Friday, April 19, 2013


October 22/11

Today's musical recommendation - Shoreline by Broken Social Scene

Songs or artists are picked for a variety of reasons.....the words might conincide with the posting, the beat might just get me moving, or it just might be one of those days where the title makes me say meh!

Funny thought for the day:  My 12 y/o son likes to have do-overs when he is trying to deak out the dog and me with some soccer move when he is playing with her and needs at least 3-4 tries before he gets it right....each failure resulting in a redo or do-over until he succeeds in getting past us and tells us how he owned us with that move.....I remind him that if I was him I wouldn't brag too much about faking out a 10 week old puppy and 49 y/o man lol

I've posted before about my love of movies, music, and books, and how each or a combination of them can relax me, change or enhance my mood, and either leave me feeling sated or exhausted...........

On a different tack I'm going to ask if you have a specific movie or list of movies you turn to when feeling down or just need to unwind without much mental exertion......

I have just such a short group of movies and I'll list a few and what they mean to me....

Love Story....I remember my female cousins being totally into this movie when I was around 8 and for the life of me couldn't figure it out. I didn't see the movie until I was at university and it struck a chord with me in that two people can connect across any kind of boundary....the line "love means never having to say your sorry" has been inside every since I saw the movie....I've gone on to see the sequal Oliver's Story and found it just as entertaining but in a different way......

Family Man......First off I've got to admit I don't really like either Nicholas Cage or Tea Leoni all that much so the fact that I really enjoy this movie says a lot about the story......I won't give anything away about it other than to say I was the character played by Cage until one day I came home from work and something my then 4 y/o son said made me stop dead in my tracks and realize I had become my own father...something I'd vowed never to do.....and since that day I think I've done a pretty damn good job being the father I always wanted to be to my children and the one I wish I'd had growing up

Hoosiers.......ok given how much I love sports there as to be at least one on this list right? This one isn't as much about basketball as about redemption, second chances, and a group coming together to overcome the odds to show that the little guy can prevail now and again. This one has been my go-to movie for as long as I've owned it.

Finding Forrester......Sean Connery as a shut away Pulitzer prize winning author who comes out of his shell when he has a chance encounter with a young student on a prank.......I actually get teary with this one

10 Things I Hate About You......sort of a teen angst movie but to me the coming out movie for Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.  This movie is basically a remake of Shakespeares "Taming of the Shrew" but with a modern twist and a pretty good sound track filled with indy bands.

Die Hard & Die Hard "Live Free or Die"....Bruce Willis kicking azz in both and some great lines like "Yippee Ki Yay Mother F^&%er"

Last but not least......the ultimate chick flick...Pretty Woman.........need I say more than Julia Roberts being wooed by Richard Gere :)  One of the best scene's is when she drives his car...classic

I think my list says quite a bit about me but I'll leave you to form your own opinions :)

So what movies make your list and which ones would you recommend to me?

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