Friday, April 19, 2013

Things I'll do and not do in a relationship

Today's musical recommendation – Marry Me by Train


October 26/11

So I was sitting at home last night on the deck while my puppy ran around the backyard acting like a maniac when I got to thinking about the things I would do if I was in a relationship, things I have done when in one, and things I’ve never done nor will do when in one and thought maybe I’d share some of them for my readers amusement…..

 Some things I’ve never done…….

I’ve never gotten drunk and tried to call or text my partner at 3am – never had this done to me either lol
I’ve never struck a woman – and wonder about the mental capacity of men who do

Told a potential partner I’d date her if she had more free time from her kids – I have been told this by someone
Failed to walk a date to her car after a date – isn’t this just common sense

Tried to hit on her friends when she wasn’t around
Used the 2 day rule before calling her after a first date – aren’t such games meant for high school?


Some things I’ve done……

Driven cross town to bring someone a bowl of Chinese War Won Ton soup when she was feeling sick
Asked her to call/text me when she got home so I’d know she was safe

Held her hair back when she was sick
Sent a cookie bouquet to her at work

Walked curbside when we are walking on the sidewalk
Let her fall asleep with her head on my leg as we watched a movie….one she picked…and softly rubbed her back

Opened doors and stood when she leaves and arrives at a table in a restaurant

Some things I’d love to do……

Take a day trip to Montreal for lunch
Run errands together

People watch downtown and take turns creating stories for the people we observe
Introduce someone to my children

Have someone help motivate me to continue to improve my life
Continue to challenge my fear of heights with her during new adventures

Call her for no reason other than to hear her voice
Hear her say she loves me

Say I love you to someone……..

This isn’t an exhaustive list by any measure but rather the tip of the ice berg

As always comments and opinions are welcome but I'll keep following the path less travelled in my own journey :)

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