Thursday, July 25, 2013

Are you guilty of this too?

July 25/13

Today's musical recommendation is 3 Feet Tall by Classified.  It's rap but not hard core and the message is pretty amazing.  Watch the YouTube video here:

So I've written recently about the company I work for being acquired by another and all the attendant stress that went along with it in terms of the crazy work loads prior to the sale, worrying about job cuts, and having survived "Synergistic" Tuesday the resulting new work duties.

As part of the post sale closing we've had people in the office from our new European parent and there have been some comments made about depth of experience and how critical I am in the new organization but I've tended to blow these things off with some self-deprecating remarks about how anyone could do the things I'm working on.

I never even realized I'd been doing it or to the extent I'd done so until one of the European managers took me aside this morning and sort of lit into me for not understanding how much value I bring to the new company based on my experience, education, and general "lets get it done" attitude I've always been known for.

It made me wonder if I've done this before in other parts of my life so I sent out an email to a select group of people asking them to respond back telling me how they feel I've presented myself, whether it be in my interactions with friends, potential dates, and sports related activities.

I have to admit I was pretty shocked to learn that I never literally give myself credit for doing anything in my life other than being a pretty good father. As I sat at my desk over lunchtime and read some of the responses I was floored by the emotions people were expressing about how little value I place on my actions and the impact I've had on those around me - granted some has not been for the good but the majority has....

I know I'm a damned good analyst.

I know I make a damned good partner when in a relationship

I know there are few soccer coaches out there who I won't go up against with any of the teams I've had the honour to coach.

But yet I always downplay these when I've talked to the people in my life.

Interestingly enough my daughter put it best when she said I'll never know the number of people I've influenced with my coaching as most of my messages to the players have been about life. She reminded me of the player who took courage in the message I gave before a game against a key rival that failure is only failure when you fail to act upon your wishes.....that player went on to do two tours on a humanitarian mission to Africa that she said changed her life for the better.

Pretty humbling stuff to read about.

I'm going to do a better job understanding what it is I'm saying when I open my mouth and try like hell not to always be so self deprecating to my own detriment.

I challenge you to ask those around you how you present yourself and the things you do....willing to bet you might be surprised to hear the responses.

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