August 10/13
Today's musical recommendation is Wake Me Up by Avicii.
I stumbled upon this song when my son was taking one of his extra long hot showers with his iPod plugged into my docking station he had taken into the bathroom and plugged in so he could blast some tunes.......While over time our musical tastes have somewhat gone down different paths I still find it cool when we come across a song we both really enjoy. He inadvertently shared this with me and now I'm sharing it with you - enjoy
So I'm on this dating site and had been chatting with someone for a while via email, texts, and on the phone when we made the call to meet for a drink last Friday after work at a place that was midway between our neighbourhoods.
We arrived at the same time and joked about our timing as we were seated and started to chat as if we'd known each other for months. Now based on this opening sentence one would think this was going to end well.....sadly, I hate to sat that one would be quite wrong as that was the highlight of the night, least on my end.
We ordered drinks and as she was served her Smirnoff Ice commented that I shouldn't worry as she wasn't a lush. Note to self, in the future this should serve as a major red flag and the signal to make haste to end the date and get the hell out of there as quickly as possible.
Over the course of the next 2 1/2 hours she proceeded to down 3 Smirnoff Ice's and added 3 Martini's of various flavours. This was a bit extreme to me and enough to make the voices tell me that there wouldn't be a second date when things got even better as about 30 minutes into the date she told me she needed to step outside and have a cigarette. As she departed the table, yes I did stand when she left, I wracked my brains trying my best to remember if her profile mentioned anything about smoking and know for a fact it didn't as that is a real deal breaker for me. I don't care if a woman smokes as it is her choice, just as it is mine to not smoke or date a smoker. Now before anyone gets righteous on me please note I grew up with parents who smoked like a chimney and thank my stars for not following that little parental mistake with one of my one.
As the night came to an end I knew I was facing a real dilemma as she was in no shape to drive herself home and past experience reminded me people aren't always willing to face this little fact. I caught a break as she told me she didn't think she should drive home and could I drive her home, which given the options was really the right thing to do. Now what I didn't know was when she said she lived in Gatineau what she meant was she lived in the eastern end of Gatineau and made the anticipated 20-25 minute drive more like a 40 minute drive one way. Not fun but not the end of the world seeing as I was doing the right thing. I got her home and made sure she got into her place safe and sound, turning down a couple of offers having a night cap to end things off.
The next morning around 10am I was getting ready to leave to go play golf when my cell beeped that I had a call so I answered it without looking at the caller display and lo and behold who is on the phone but last nights date asking what our plans were for the day. I sort of laughed and said I had no clue what she was doing but in 20 minutes I'd be teeing off at Glen Mar, well this didn't sit well with her as she proceeded to remind me how we'd made plans the night before to spend the weekend getting to know one another better. I was a little shocked as I know no such plans had been made and even if they had I'd have cancelled them after the previous nights fiasco. She asked me how she was going to get her car since we'd left it at the pub the night before and I suggested she ask a friend to drive her, she said that was unfucking acceptable as than she would have to say why it was there in the first place and that wasn't something she wanted her friends gossiping about.
Now by this point two things were going on with me; first I was getting antsy as I didn't want to be late for my golf tee time and second, I was getting pretty pissed off at her whole attitude. Unfortunately for her she pushed the last button with her next comment when she said "A real gentleman would either come get me or driven me home last night in my car and taken a taxi home himself"
Really? The mere fact that I put up with her drinking way too much for a first date, her sudden disclosure about smoking, and taken her home so as to make sure she got home safe and sound and suddenly I'm the bad guy made me snap and say that after seeing her in action I'd rather have my wisdom teeth removed again and this time avoid all pain killers rather than go out with her ever again and than I hung up on her.
You think that would have been enough to end things wouldn't you? No, not with this wonderful woman. She proceeded to try calling me back not once, not twice, not three times, but four times before resorting to texting me that she knew I wasn't playing golf but going out with another woman and she hoped the skank gave me an STD. This was just the first in a series of texts she sent my way over the next few hours that I admit to sharing with my golf buddies and it did wonders to bring some humour to a rather piss poor round of golf. Of course my buddies being the jackasses they ares sent me many texts over the next week telling me I needed to give her another chance as she was a keeper.
Buddy number one has twin 5 year old boys who are now getting drums for Christmas. Buddy number two now has a profile on a swingers site. Revenge is a dish best served cold!!!!!
So even though this little debacle happened I'm doing my best to keep an open mind about dating and still holding out hope that one day, maybe soon, hell I hope sooner rather than later, I actually meet the woman who won't leave me wondering if it is just me.
To end things with a sense of lady texted me last night to ask if I prefer thongs or bikini panties on my woman..........and than followed up with another saying that text wasn't for me..FML
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