Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I talk.......

Tuesday, August 18/15

I talk to myself.

I actually talk to myself far more often then I originally thought and also talk to my dog, again far more than I imagined.

I normally talk to myself when doing something and not out boredom so there shouldn't be any worries about my mental state of mind, well not any more worries than usual.

When I'm golfing by myself I tend to have a running dialogue about all the things I'm doing wrong, ways to fix them, and general comments about the state of my game.  The good thing is that with my recent lessons, I've actually been able to drive the ball farther and hit my irons higher, both normally topics were I used to chide myself on my poor play.  Now the comments are usually just reminders on little things to focus on and some outspoken course management strategies - shocking to hear that there are actually strategies to employ when attempting to shoot a round of bogey golf, that is my current goal and I'm closer than I think.

The other time I tend to talk to myself isn't really talking to myself but more me talking to Moki as I do things around the house or we're out on a walk. I know a lot of people talk to their pets and I think that's perfectly ok, what I do is tend to hold complete conversations with her, knowing full well she won't respond, well verbally at least as she does communicate with her body and facial expressions all the time.

For a little while there I was worried I was doing both of theses things a little too often but then I came to the realization that I only really need to worry about them if I start losing verbal arguments with myself or the dog. The question now outstanding is how long would it take me to even recognize I was doing so before it was too late??

I'll say this for myself, nobody has ever actually caught me talking to myself as I am careful when out and about in public lol

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