August 10/15
So yesterday my son and daughter left for Europe with their mother and her boyfriend on a two week holiday that will see them visit spots in Italy, Switzerland, France, and England.
They arrived safe and sound in Rome this morning around 2:30 AM - I know this because both kids sent me a text letting me know lol
This week won't be much different from most weeks as this is my son's normal week with his mom, but next week is going to be different as that's my week and I've never gone longer than one week without seeing my son and I'm not looking forward to it.
My daughter attended school down in the GTA so I had to get used to not seeing her weekly and I guess this going to be practice for when he moves out on his own to attend university, but still not something I've been looking forward too!!!!
My plans for dealing with the next two weeks are golf and more golf.
Yesterday I played 27 at Pakenham, hoping to play 9 at Canadian or Glen Mar today and tomorrow, and finishing week one off with multiple rounds up near Pembroke and Petawawa over the weekend.
I'm going to use the next two weeks to get some stuff done around my house and reflect upon the relationship I have with my son as I think some changes need to be made in order to help both of us develop as people.
My son is a fantastic young man and both his mom and I hear many compliments on how he behaves but there is room for improvement as I don't think I've done him any favours by being a tad bit overprotective of him the past few years.
When he comes back he'll be introduced to the art of cooking and laundry.
I'm sure this won't be the greeting he is hoping to get but one of the objectives of any good parent should be seeing their children reach the stage of independence. My daughter constantly amazes me with her development and serves as a reminder that though she'll always be that little girl who I taught to ride a bicycle she's also a young woman who has graduated college, secured a career, and recently made an offer on her first home.
So I'm going to miss my kids over the next two weeks but I'm also going to be plotting my son's declaration of independence but without the need to bare arms!!!
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