Wednesday, August 31/16
So today was my 54th birthday and it was pretty damn awesome.
I spent my morning getting new plates and tags for my car as the old plates were peeling right off the metal and the tags would expire at midnight tonight.
Followed that up with the best round of golf that I've ever played, maybe a gift from the golf Gods on this special day. A wicked 85 on the Lake/Canyon courses at Pakenham that could easily have been an 83 or lower had I not managed to sail one into the pond on Canyon's 4th hole. Still pretty damn good and has me feeling like I'm walking on cloud nine right now.
The day ended with dinner at my daughters for some butter chicken over steamed rice with a Caesar salad and a very nice cheesecake with fruit toppings. We followed that up with movie night where we sent to see "Don't Breathe" and I think I aged another year with some of the jumping I did on certain scenes lol
My son got me a wonderful picture frame with a clock and pen holder on it for my desk. The picture inside is of the two of us at last weekends soccer tournament so you know there were some tears I was fighting back. I also got some movie gift cards, iTunes gift card, and a movie quiz book that makes you piece together pictures to try and figure out the movie that is very cool and harder than you'd think.
All day long I was getting Facebook messages from friends wishing me a happy birthday.
The say you can measure a person's worth by the company they keep and if that's true than I'm doing quite well as I have far more friends than I ever realized :-)
I turned 54 today but I don't feel my age at all, and some would say I hardly ever act it either, not sure that is meant to be the compliment I take it as but that's life.
I don't thin I've ever felt my real age and I embrace that with a gusto as I really do feel like I'm just hitting my stride and am better than I've ever been. Sure there are some things I don't do quite as well as when I was younger, and no I'm not referring to that particular thing so lets keep our minds out of the gutter for the moment ok, and there are things I do much better now at 54 than I ever did at 27, and yes this time I might be referring to certain things that could be considered gutter worthy but its my birthday so I get to take certain liberties as the birthday boy.
The one thing I am is much more patient with my life and everything going on around me. I'm more empathetic to those less fortunate than myself and have tried my best to instill that in my children as well, to show them that it is the right thing to do to help those not as gifted as ourselves.
Today I turned 54 and it feels like I've just hit the mid point and I'm looking forward to what the next half century brings my way :)
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Goodbye Gord, thanks for making me so proud of my heritage
August 21/16
Last night was the last concert to ever be performed by The Tragically Hip.
Not because the band is breaking up over artistic differences, not due to inflated egos, not because of jealousies, and not because they just reached the end and wanted to stop playing together.
The Tragically Hip have come to the end of performing due to the health of Gord Downie, lead singer and by most accounts Canada's Poet Laureate.
They say that time waits for no man and that is true but in this case time has come too early. Gord is 52, two years younger than this blogger, and in the prime of his life artistically speaking.
His songs have evoked memories for Canadians from shore to shore and far up into the north.
He has used his position to remind us of our obligations to leave the planet better than we found it, to stand up for those less fortunate than ourselves, and to be the best person we can be each and every day we walk this earth.
My first concert in Canada was at the old Corel Centre in Ottawa to see The Hip. I was spellbound as Gord described my new home through choice lyrics that left me wanting to explore all this great land has to offer.
In many ways he was our conscious and reminded us of how fortunate we are to live in such an amazing country, to never take things for granted, and to celebrate the smallest things as if they meant the most to us as they do.
Watching the end of the concert made me cry like I've only cried before at the loss of a loved one.
The look in his eyes said it all, he has more stories to tell us but not the time and it makes him angry.
He let those emotions out in one of the last songs they performed with some raw tears flowing down his cheeks as he yelled his protest at the unfairness of it all. Yet he also took the time to remind us to solve our northern problems, typical Gord to be thinking of others as time is ticking away.
I don't know how long Gord has but I hope he spends it with family and friends, taking in the love and affection he richly deserves as well as giving it to those he loves.
Gord Downie and The Tragically Hip shall forevermore be part of the Canadian landscape.
"A Head By A Century" is by far my favourite Hip song and one I'll listen too as I raise a glass in his memory at some point in the future.
Thank you Gord for the music but more importantly for reminding me what it means to be Canadian.
#Downie #TragicallyHip #Hip4Life
Last night was the last concert to ever be performed by The Tragically Hip.
Not because the band is breaking up over artistic differences, not due to inflated egos, not because of jealousies, and not because they just reached the end and wanted to stop playing together.
The Tragically Hip have come to the end of performing due to the health of Gord Downie, lead singer and by most accounts Canada's Poet Laureate.
They say that time waits for no man and that is true but in this case time has come too early. Gord is 52, two years younger than this blogger, and in the prime of his life artistically speaking.
His songs have evoked memories for Canadians from shore to shore and far up into the north.
He has used his position to remind us of our obligations to leave the planet better than we found it, to stand up for those less fortunate than ourselves, and to be the best person we can be each and every day we walk this earth.
My first concert in Canada was at the old Corel Centre in Ottawa to see The Hip. I was spellbound as Gord described my new home through choice lyrics that left me wanting to explore all this great land has to offer.
In many ways he was our conscious and reminded us of how fortunate we are to live in such an amazing country, to never take things for granted, and to celebrate the smallest things as if they meant the most to us as they do.
Watching the end of the concert made me cry like I've only cried before at the loss of a loved one.
The look in his eyes said it all, he has more stories to tell us but not the time and it makes him angry.
He let those emotions out in one of the last songs they performed with some raw tears flowing down his cheeks as he yelled his protest at the unfairness of it all. Yet he also took the time to remind us to solve our northern problems, typical Gord to be thinking of others as time is ticking away.
I don't know how long Gord has but I hope he spends it with family and friends, taking in the love and affection he richly deserves as well as giving it to those he loves.
Gord Downie and The Tragically Hip shall forevermore be part of the Canadian landscape.
"A Head By A Century" is by far my favourite Hip song and one I'll listen too as I raise a glass in his memory at some point in the future.
Thank you Gord for the music but more importantly for reminding me what it means to be Canadian.
#Downie #TragicallyHip #Hip4Life
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Two things that count as a strike for me
Sunday, August 14/16
I've been thinking about what makes me take a pass on a dating profile when I'm actually on a site and two come to mind right off the bat.
Before I say what these are let me start off by saying we all have choices to make in life and I try really hard to have an open mind when dealing with people, now having said that there is really no middle ground for me when it comes to these two things.........
I am a non practicing Roman Catholic. I believe in God but take the position that he, call me sexist if you will but when I think of my Deity I think in terms of a male gender, might be a tad bit too busy to worry about me hour by hour, least that is my hope as it is a very large universe out there and I'm not convinced we have it all to ourselves.
So though I might not attend church on a regular basis it does not mean I have forsaken my belief nor am I willing to even consider that there is not a higher power. That means for me that it is not even within the realms of possibility that I could ever date an Atheist. There are no if, ands, or buts about this one. But here is the wrinkle in the belief, and there is almost always a wrinkle where I am concerned, I could entertain the possibility of dating an Agnostic. Why you ask? They don't believe in or not believe in a higher power and take the stance of "show me the proof of said existence"
Now I'm not looking at these women as a challenge as I don't think it my obligation to either prove or disprove their beliefs, I look at them as having an open mind and that is something I find extremely attractive in a potential partner. They are willing to listen to the arguments for and against and reach a conclusion on their own. For the most part they haven't been given ample enough evidence to make a sound and lasting decision. That is cool with me.
As a person who thinks himself somewhat educated and logical, I somehow managed to trick one college, and two universities into bestowing upon myself multiple degrees, and cannot fathom the stance that someone can take that there is no higher power. I get and follow the big bang theory, the evolution of man from primordial swamp to reaching for the stars, and Darwin's Theory of Evolution quite well. I also think someone had to put that initial component of matter into play that was the start of everything.
So what is the other thing that makes me take a pass on a profile?
This one is easier and totally a personal preference.
Facial piercings. Well other than those lovely auditory lobes we call the ears.
I don't understand the attraction of nose studs, nose rings, eye piercings, lips piercings, or any other such items. I'm not one to say they are horrible or should be banned, but for me they are a huge turnoff and nothing I would ever enjoy seeing on my partner.
Now before you ask and trust me one of you will ask me via an email, I have been with someone who had other piercings in places not normally exposed to the light of day. I'm neither for or against those kind of piercings and thing my take on them rests on the premise that they are private and shared at the consent of both parties.
I'd say my only hesitation would come from knowing that someone else, hopefully a female, was the installer of said piercing and thus was entitled to viewing a part of her body that I would like to think is my private domain, or could become mine over time lol.
Yes, I agree that is rather sexist and elitist of me, but I am who I am when it comes to my feelings towards my partner.
So when I am online and take the time to look at some profiles I determine whether to continue in this order: smile, religion, and if I can see any visible facial piercings.
I don't care what the religion is or if they list Agnostic, I'm down to possibly chat. Atheist? Have a good day and I'm moving on.
I'm sure there are things on my own profile that might make women take a pass, I am still single after all so there is some validity to that statement, and I am perfectly fine with that as I'm not perfect nor do I seek perfection. No, rather it could be said that I am seeking the one who is imperfectly perfect for me.
What is you take on this? I'd love to know.
I've been thinking about what makes me take a pass on a dating profile when I'm actually on a site and two come to mind right off the bat.
Before I say what these are let me start off by saying we all have choices to make in life and I try really hard to have an open mind when dealing with people, now having said that there is really no middle ground for me when it comes to these two things.........
I am a non practicing Roman Catholic. I believe in God but take the position that he, call me sexist if you will but when I think of my Deity I think in terms of a male gender, might be a tad bit too busy to worry about me hour by hour, least that is my hope as it is a very large universe out there and I'm not convinced we have it all to ourselves.
So though I might not attend church on a regular basis it does not mean I have forsaken my belief nor am I willing to even consider that there is not a higher power. That means for me that it is not even within the realms of possibility that I could ever date an Atheist. There are no if, ands, or buts about this one. But here is the wrinkle in the belief, and there is almost always a wrinkle where I am concerned, I could entertain the possibility of dating an Agnostic. Why you ask? They don't believe in or not believe in a higher power and take the stance of "show me the proof of said existence"
Now I'm not looking at these women as a challenge as I don't think it my obligation to either prove or disprove their beliefs, I look at them as having an open mind and that is something I find extremely attractive in a potential partner. They are willing to listen to the arguments for and against and reach a conclusion on their own. For the most part they haven't been given ample enough evidence to make a sound and lasting decision. That is cool with me.
As a person who thinks himself somewhat educated and logical, I somehow managed to trick one college, and two universities into bestowing upon myself multiple degrees, and cannot fathom the stance that someone can take that there is no higher power. I get and follow the big bang theory, the evolution of man from primordial swamp to reaching for the stars, and Darwin's Theory of Evolution quite well. I also think someone had to put that initial component of matter into play that was the start of everything.
So what is the other thing that makes me take a pass on a profile?
This one is easier and totally a personal preference.
Facial piercings. Well other than those lovely auditory lobes we call the ears.
I don't understand the attraction of nose studs, nose rings, eye piercings, lips piercings, or any other such items. I'm not one to say they are horrible or should be banned, but for me they are a huge turnoff and nothing I would ever enjoy seeing on my partner.
Now before you ask and trust me one of you will ask me via an email, I have been with someone who had other piercings in places not normally exposed to the light of day. I'm neither for or against those kind of piercings and thing my take on them rests on the premise that they are private and shared at the consent of both parties.
I'd say my only hesitation would come from knowing that someone else, hopefully a female, was the installer of said piercing and thus was entitled to viewing a part of her body that I would like to think is my private domain, or could become mine over time lol.
Yes, I agree that is rather sexist and elitist of me, but I am who I am when it comes to my feelings towards my partner.
So when I am online and take the time to look at some profiles I determine whether to continue in this order: smile, religion, and if I can see any visible facial piercings.
I don't care what the religion is or if they list Agnostic, I'm down to possibly chat. Atheist? Have a good day and I'm moving on.
I'm sure there are things on my own profile that might make women take a pass, I am still single after all so there is some validity to that statement, and I am perfectly fine with that as I'm not perfect nor do I seek perfection. No, rather it could be said that I am seeking the one who is imperfectly perfect for me.
What is you take on this? I'd love to know.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
A round of golf with a great score and more than a little fear
Saturday, August 13/16
Ok, let me say this before any of you continue to inundate me with messages about the missing white water rafting post.
Yes, I owe you a post but the truth of the matter is that some posts write themselves, some take a bit of thought in expressing the thought into words, and others sound wicked awesome in my head but are harder than hell to express in such a manner that makes me happy with the finished product.
I've finally got the bulk of the post completed and just working on the ending so it all ties together. There are times preparing a post makes me think it compares to blocking out scenes for a movie, everything has to be just right lest it feel forced.
So pending the final editing to that posting please enjoy the following entry from my experience this past Wednesday.
I only played golf twice last weekend, I'm as shocked as you by this, with my normal round Saturday morning with B at Pakenham on the Lake and Island courses. I didn't play bad nor did I play all that well so Saturday afternoon found me feeling a bit antsy so I drove down to Manotick to play Manderley on the Green. When I got there they were just finishing off a tournament and sent me off on the South 9 with a transition to the Central 9 for my 18. Now it has been at least 16 years since I last played Manderley and given the shape of the course it's probably going to be another 16 years before I go back again. That's all I'm going to say about it but it should be enough to form a sound opinion of how I found the course..........
So Monday was the usual rehash of weekends with M & M and vacation recap for A.
Inventory M asked if I was going to play during the week given my weekend and I replied that with no soccer game this week it was looking good. He suggested Wednesday as he has men's league play on Thursday's.
So Wednesday rolled around and it was super hot, like +32c with strong humidity. I've found that when it gets too hot Inventory M will skip golf as he is a rather big guy, standing about 5'10 and has to be close to 300-325 lbs. He is a great guy and wonderful to work with but I wonder how his future looks given he is about 15 years younger than me but putting so much pressure on his body.
Imagine my surprise when he asked if I was still golfing after work. I told him I was game and though he was only looking to play 9 I was more than likely going to shoot to play a full 18 darkness permitting.
The day dragged and it seemed to take an eternity for 4pm to roll around but as soon as it did we jetted for the course. I got there first as M had to stop by his house and get his clubs, he lives like 5 minutes from the course, and warmed up on the practise putting green while I waited for him.
The wait let me work on my stroke as I've been trying to incorporate the things I learned from the putting class I took back in May. I know that is almost 3 months ago but I never said I was quick learner now did I?
Putting went well and just as I was finishing up M arrived so we headed off to the first tee on the Pakenham Lake course - my favourite as it offers me chances to use all my clubs and I can usually score well when things click.
To say things were clicking would be like saying the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. Suddenly my slice was gone and I was long bombing my driver off the tee. On the 357 yard par 4 first hole my drive was so good that I was left with a wedge from 107 yards, which I nailed perfectly and two putted for a par. M was playing equally well but at the same time I could sense him struggling with the heat. We were both 1 over after the first 4 holes and feeling good about things. It was about this time that I started to become more worried about M as the heat was taxing my endurance and I couldn't imagine what it was doing to him. I've played golf in the heat and suffered heat stroke but I'd been hydrating all day and continued to do so as we played. I know M was doing the same but the difference in our sizes was begin to take a toll on him.
We both hit good drives on the 5th with me nipping his by about 25 yards. After he hit his second shot to clear the edge of the pond and put himself in shape for a easy wedge to the green I noticed him labouring again and without even thinking about it pulled my iPhone out of my bag and checked the signal strength, putting it in the cup holder of our cart. I hit my second shot dead perfect and left myself a wee little pitch to the pin and a legitimate shot at an eagle though I was shooting for my birdie. As he hit his wedge shot I started to mentally review the steps required to perform CPR and had brought my hands together in front of me and started practicing the 5 push heart compression I learned in my St; Johns course last year.
M looked over at me and said "Really?" and then down at my hands when I didn't get his comment. It was at that point that I noticed my hands for the first time. I smiled at him sheepishly and before I could say anything he softly punched me on the arm and said "Thanks, but I'm not going to have a heart attack on you out here".......
We finished the nine and totaled up our scores. Though he started strong the heat did wear M down quite a bit and it cost him on the last 4 holes where he triple bogeyed all of them and ended up shooting a 49. Because of my worries about him I hadn't been paying attention to my actual score but knew it would be good as I was striking and putting lights out. Good is an understatement as I came in at 43, my best 9 ever scored. It would have been even better had I not 3 putted the 6th on my way to a horrendous triple bogey.
As I dropped him off at his car I asked him to text me later so I knew he was ok and he smiled at me as he agreed and told me I was a bigger worry wart than his aunt.
After watching him drive off I headed back out and finished off my back nine. I'd love to say I continued my hot streak but have to admit to double bogeying the first three holes as I was a bit concerned about M. It wasn't until he sent me a text saying he was home and his aunt was over to keep an eye on him did I relax and my game slowly come back. I shot a respectable 46 and know that the 4 over par I played the last six holes was more like how my game is trending than the 6 over on the opening three holes.
I'm a big guy.....stand about 5'9 and weigh in around 225 so there is room for improvement in my physique and conditioning, both things I've started to address at Movati once again, but watching M really made me think about life and how I don't ever want to put myself in such a position that a simple round of golf can lead to a stroke or heart attack.
I've got too much living to do to let myself fall behind like that. My son graduates high school this year and I'm going to be there to watch. My daughter is giving birth to my first grandchild this coming December and I plan on being around to take him for ice cream after soccer. I've yet to experience my last first kiss and hope it happens soon but have to be here for that to happen.
Yes, I did say grandson as we learned the sex of the baby last weekend and I admit to crying as I looked over at my daughter and her fiancé and seeing the joy and love they shared at the news.
Ok, let me say this before any of you continue to inundate me with messages about the missing white water rafting post.
Yes, I owe you a post but the truth of the matter is that some posts write themselves, some take a bit of thought in expressing the thought into words, and others sound wicked awesome in my head but are harder than hell to express in such a manner that makes me happy with the finished product.
I've finally got the bulk of the post completed and just working on the ending so it all ties together. There are times preparing a post makes me think it compares to blocking out scenes for a movie, everything has to be just right lest it feel forced.
So pending the final editing to that posting please enjoy the following entry from my experience this past Wednesday.
I only played golf twice last weekend, I'm as shocked as you by this, with my normal round Saturday morning with B at Pakenham on the Lake and Island courses. I didn't play bad nor did I play all that well so Saturday afternoon found me feeling a bit antsy so I drove down to Manotick to play Manderley on the Green. When I got there they were just finishing off a tournament and sent me off on the South 9 with a transition to the Central 9 for my 18. Now it has been at least 16 years since I last played Manderley and given the shape of the course it's probably going to be another 16 years before I go back again. That's all I'm going to say about it but it should be enough to form a sound opinion of how I found the course..........
So Monday was the usual rehash of weekends with M & M and vacation recap for A.
Inventory M asked if I was going to play during the week given my weekend and I replied that with no soccer game this week it was looking good. He suggested Wednesday as he has men's league play on Thursday's.
So Wednesday rolled around and it was super hot, like +32c with strong humidity. I've found that when it gets too hot Inventory M will skip golf as he is a rather big guy, standing about 5'10 and has to be close to 300-325 lbs. He is a great guy and wonderful to work with but I wonder how his future looks given he is about 15 years younger than me but putting so much pressure on his body.
Imagine my surprise when he asked if I was still golfing after work. I told him I was game and though he was only looking to play 9 I was more than likely going to shoot to play a full 18 darkness permitting.
The day dragged and it seemed to take an eternity for 4pm to roll around but as soon as it did we jetted for the course. I got there first as M had to stop by his house and get his clubs, he lives like 5 minutes from the course, and warmed up on the practise putting green while I waited for him.
The wait let me work on my stroke as I've been trying to incorporate the things I learned from the putting class I took back in May. I know that is almost 3 months ago but I never said I was quick learner now did I?
Putting went well and just as I was finishing up M arrived so we headed off to the first tee on the Pakenham Lake course - my favourite as it offers me chances to use all my clubs and I can usually score well when things click.
To say things were clicking would be like saying the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. Suddenly my slice was gone and I was long bombing my driver off the tee. On the 357 yard par 4 first hole my drive was so good that I was left with a wedge from 107 yards, which I nailed perfectly and two putted for a par. M was playing equally well but at the same time I could sense him struggling with the heat. We were both 1 over after the first 4 holes and feeling good about things. It was about this time that I started to become more worried about M as the heat was taxing my endurance and I couldn't imagine what it was doing to him. I've played golf in the heat and suffered heat stroke but I'd been hydrating all day and continued to do so as we played. I know M was doing the same but the difference in our sizes was begin to take a toll on him.
We both hit good drives on the 5th with me nipping his by about 25 yards. After he hit his second shot to clear the edge of the pond and put himself in shape for a easy wedge to the green I noticed him labouring again and without even thinking about it pulled my iPhone out of my bag and checked the signal strength, putting it in the cup holder of our cart. I hit my second shot dead perfect and left myself a wee little pitch to the pin and a legitimate shot at an eagle though I was shooting for my birdie. As he hit his wedge shot I started to mentally review the steps required to perform CPR and had brought my hands together in front of me and started practicing the 5 push heart compression I learned in my St; Johns course last year.
M looked over at me and said "Really?" and then down at my hands when I didn't get his comment. It was at that point that I noticed my hands for the first time. I smiled at him sheepishly and before I could say anything he softly punched me on the arm and said "Thanks, but I'm not going to have a heart attack on you out here".......
We finished the nine and totaled up our scores. Though he started strong the heat did wear M down quite a bit and it cost him on the last 4 holes where he triple bogeyed all of them and ended up shooting a 49. Because of my worries about him I hadn't been paying attention to my actual score but knew it would be good as I was striking and putting lights out. Good is an understatement as I came in at 43, my best 9 ever scored. It would have been even better had I not 3 putted the 6th on my way to a horrendous triple bogey.
As I dropped him off at his car I asked him to text me later so I knew he was ok and he smiled at me as he agreed and told me I was a bigger worry wart than his aunt.
After watching him drive off I headed back out and finished off my back nine. I'd love to say I continued my hot streak but have to admit to double bogeying the first three holes as I was a bit concerned about M. It wasn't until he sent me a text saying he was home and his aunt was over to keep an eye on him did I relax and my game slowly come back. I shot a respectable 46 and know that the 4 over par I played the last six holes was more like how my game is trending than the 6 over on the opening three holes.
I'm a big guy.....stand about 5'9 and weigh in around 225 so there is room for improvement in my physique and conditioning, both things I've started to address at Movati once again, but watching M really made me think about life and how I don't ever want to put myself in such a position that a simple round of golf can lead to a stroke or heart attack.
I've got too much living to do to let myself fall behind like that. My son graduates high school this year and I'm going to be there to watch. My daughter is giving birth to my first grandchild this coming December and I plan on being around to take him for ice cream after soccer. I've yet to experience my last first kiss and hope it happens soon but have to be here for that to happen.
Yes, I did say grandson as we learned the sex of the baby last weekend and I admit to crying as I looked over at my daughter and her fiancé and seeing the joy and love they shared at the news.
Monday, August 1, 2016
White Water Rafting......some water, a jump, a little flirting, a possible mcl tear, and a talk
Monday, August 01/16
I'm still digesting all that went down on Saturday while white water rafting with my son so the entry isn't done yet....but everything in the title will be part of it once I sort my thoughts out
None of it is bad, well maybe the possible mcl tear but I've lived through one already so the world isn't going to end any time soon, and all gave pause at one moment or another over the course of a few hours.
I'm still digesting all that went down on Saturday while white water rafting with my son so the entry isn't done yet....but everything in the title will be part of it once I sort my thoughts out
None of it is bad, well maybe the possible mcl tear but I've lived through one already so the world isn't going to end any time soon, and all gave pause at one moment or another over the course of a few hours.
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