Wednesday, February 13/19
I originally started to write this entry on Saturday, February 09/19 but held off on posting as I worked my way through the emotions.
Apologies for not posting anything the past little while but there was a family issue that developed that unfortunately was a little closer to my last blog entry than I would have ever liked and I've been trying to help someone deal with it.
By deal with it I mean just being there for them to vent on about the unfairness of one persons decision and the complete impact it has on everyone they leave behind. When someone decides to step into that abyss they don't eliminate the pain they might be experiencing but rather leave it behind for everyone who cares about them to carry and try to understand just what made them do it.
I spoke with my ex about the whole situation and she asked me to reach out to our kids to talk to them about it and reassure both of them that nothing like this will ever come their way from either of us. Her request seemed a a bit odd to me but she explained that the kids seem to understand things better when I express them than when she does as I seem to be able to reach down deeper inside to understand and explain things than she thinks she does when talking to them so I honoured it in a call with my daughter and a conversation with my son when he got to my place last night to start his week with me
Being a parent is the most rewarding thing I've ever done and yet there are times it has also been the hardest thing I've had to do, talking to your kids about crossing over that line into the abyss ranks right up there with taking a rusty bat to my gonads.
When I right a blog it usually isn't something I expect to come back and impact me so hard or so damn immediately as has happened with this action.
That is all I'm going to say on the matter as even though they are not directly related to me I'm going to respect the privacy they have requested while dealing with things.
Please remember that every action has an impact on someone, whether you can see it or not, and that impact might not be what you think it is.
My name is Marcus and sometimes I hate the blog for the truth it brings to light.
Some entries don't get a musical suggestion due to the topic or depth of emotions, this is one such entry
Observations, comments, or questions are more than welcome -
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