Sunday, February 17/19
There is a term that gets used to described the look a person has when they don't realize anyone is looking and it's called "Resting Bitch Face" or RBF.
Now usually this term is applied to a woman and I don't agree that it is gender specific as I know I've come across RAF or Resting Asshole Face on a man on more than a few occasions.
Hell, truth be told, I'm probably guilty of having RAF a lot of the time and don't even realize I'm giving it off.
I think we, and by we I mean society in general, view a person who isn't displaying a smiling face or appearing to be happy as to equate to someone who is mad or not enjoying life.
I also think this is a horrible fallacy as speaking for myself I know I've been walking down a street, say Bank Street in the Glebe, in a really good mood and I've glanced into a store front and done a double take when I've seen my own reflection, thinking to myself what the hell is wrong with me as I look like I am so pissed off when reality couldn't be farther from the truth.
We've probably all had one of those days where things just weren't going our way, our mood wasn't meshing with the day to day we were experiencing, and out of the blue someone tells us to stop frowning, enjoy life, smile a little bit, a pretty woman like you should'n't look so sad..........
Granted sometimes we might need a reminder to smile as we might not realize we weren't but there are those times that smiling is the last thing on our mind and all we want to do is tell that person to fuck off and mind your own business, but most of the time we don't, we bite our tongue and fake it till we make it.
Truth is we don't have a clue what the person is thinking about or just faced a few moments ago.
I stopped offering platitudes to people years ago as I don't know what they are going through and know from my own experience that not everything can be solved with a smile, wouldn't it be nice if they could but I prefer to live in this place called reality and know that sometimes the world just isn't getting anything better than Resting Bitch Face or Resting Asshole face from me and truth be told, the fucking world ought to be glad I'm even willing to give it either of those rather than the real message it needs to be told now and again.
Never confuse seeing a person with RBF or RAF as needing anything from you other than acknowledgement that they are alive, they don't owe you anything and probably don't expect anything more or less from you.
My name is Marcus and I think there are days I've perfected Resting Asshole Face and could probably make a decent living offering courses in the correct and enjoyable way to employ one in your daily life. I don't think this makes me anything other than human.
Today's musical suggestion is "Broken" by Patrick Watson
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